[Signups 17/17] AI Upick FM - The End Is Coming

anyway its 9 am and i havent slept yet so take what i say with a grain of salt

i already speak like this

*Already like I speak this

The more precise Translation:

“Today, I am ought to do something important.”

English is weird
 Most language doesn’t need double confirmation who or what doing the thing, and just left out that parz completely

My language in extreme cases skips both confirmation and for example “it is raining” became “raining” because, when we say “raining” everyone knows what we are talking about. (in grammar we call this as hidden subject
 Cause everyone automatically can translate “raining” for themselfes as “(the rain) raining” Oh yeah
 My language also doesn’t use second confirmation for the subject of the sentence.)

The English be verb and you subject are the two hardest thing to translate ever in other langueges

(German du, ihr and Sie all translate to you in English

I guess thread devolved.
Oh well, might as well join.

“Vandaag moet ik hier niet zijn.”

which is an odd sentence, considering it says “I must not be here,” instead of “I am not allowed to be here.”

“Heute darf ich nicht hier sein”
 yeah, I guess that works better, but for some reason I don’t like the use of “sein”, even though it is correct.

? Wdym. It’s only du or Sie. Ihr is plural.
*looks up Google*

ah. Ihr as in “they”. (Huh. Plural of Sie is also Sie. I forgot that.)

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Hello the germanic population called

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I to go to school go

We love germanic brain Aelin of 9 am, please come often

Also you’re german right?

ich muss zu Schwul gehen

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deutsch ist meine zweite Sprache
ich hab es fuer so wie zwei Jahre studiert aber ich glaube dass, ich auskommen könnte

mein erste gedanke war “welcher tag der woche sei vandaag”
lieferwagenstag vielleicht

Min of meer hetzelfde hier: Geen idee wat dat woord betekent, maar volgens Google betekent het “van dag” wat nergens op slaat.

Het is wel vreemd. Ik dacht dat dat terug zou worden vertaald naar “von Tag”, maar blijkbaar niet? Wat is ĂŒberhaupt de oorsprong van die woord?


What weewoo sheningans are you guys writting in there?

Dunno what that means, so I might as well return some gibberish back.


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You have to go what

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Weeaboo stuff.

She misspelled school on purpose. Dunno how the hell that got translated as gay though.

Belgian endive? No thank you, I prefer meat.