[Signups 17/17] AI Upick FM - The End Is Coming

Well I didn’t know we have such a community of people knowing german one way or another


Me neither. What a small world we live in.

It’s a funny word if real.

Chain: “Who would like to become my underling?”
Someone: “We-- No. Me, Chain-sama!”

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Your imagination is definetly otherwordly


Nobody tell Zone

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Eh. It’s mediocre at best.
Without a coherent pipeline, my head is just filled with random rambling roaming around.

Yeah… Hard to botch the word brown, doesn’t it?

When I met you in the summer

It doesn’t help that braun is brown in German as well. The only people who managed to botched the word by using it on a daily basis are the Dutch.

I’m not German…

But I learned German way more than English.


Was it hard for you to learn?

I don’t know.
I was learning it as a kid.

English only when I got in to high school.


And we were talking about only simple sentences.

Now imagine conjucted sentences…

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Did you now that the french are afraid to pronounce the end of each word? Definetly a sign of bad luck if you do.

If a french guy annoys you, pronounce a french word to the end!

Didn’t know that.

But it is not likely I will meet annoying Frenchs anytime soon.

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Pretty sure as there’s more spanish speakers than english speakers. To annoy a spanish person try to say spanish words in an exaggerated manner like you’re mixing their culture with the italian’s

I don’t want to annoy the Italians in the process…

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ich habe das Spiel verloren

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