Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins


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Something related to D2 or just hunch?

i literally made an entire case against him

God reading his quotes and your arguing his bad points make me dizzy lol (itā€™s why iā€™ve been avoiding ISOing drinks)
Iā€™ll reread the case post when im on pc

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i was going to say its ranta/zorvo but then hammer happened

I know this is gonna shock you guys but I think Demi is wolf.

Not entirely sure why some think sheā€™s Townie today (YouButWorse in particular in post #1424) but maybe Iā€™m not reading correctly Iā€™ll go over their ISO and full case them later but there was a couple things day 1 I didnā€™t like about Demi, one in particular is the fact they forgot plaugesimp on their first readslist, remembered them on their second and then voted to execute them during end day like it was Pre-Planned.

That post was made last day btw

Been reading Demi as wolf while Iā€™d been spectating.

YBW was the only one I town read during my watch of thread that was mainly glimpses.

My thought is we probably should vote either Demi or Eliza today.

Iā€™m on Mobile still so I canā€™t do my full case on Demi yet.

Also can I request more activity? Doesnā€™t seem anyone posted during the last 3 hours, Iā€™m presuming itā€™s lack of WIM?

Eliza, Great your here!
What is your current solve?

Meanwhile Iā€™ll go and make that Demi Case.

drinks/ ?? (probably you)

i am heavily considering just snapvoting drinks tho

Demi Case Part 1

hereā€™s the readslist I was talking about

now hereā€™s the second one where Plaugesimp was added

Then they have this one with my slot and Eliza as their wolf reads.

I still speculate the team to be Demi/Eliza, I also fine it odd they go for Plaugesimp over Eliza here.

SO here is where Demi turns around on Eliza lining up for Plaugesimp

They then vote the JOAT, then claim JOAT right after

which obviously they are not.

they claim to be covering for JOAT despite voting them to be executed.

Now hereā€™s what I feel, I feel this vote came out of nowhere and was pre-planned and that Demi themself had the plan to try and pressure find the JOAT, get them to claim and then vote Plaugesimp as planned.

I again really do not like their Eliza read drop from top mafia into ā€œoh ok actually this can be townā€.

This was because the first one was a draft, that doesnā€™t really mean anything trust me (me adding plaguesimp later on, you can see that itā€™s a list done very early into D1).

Why was it odd for me to go for plaguesimp? They hadnā€™t been providing anything useful by then, hell it hadnā€™t happened yet but did you see how they selfvoted at EoD? Would you ever not wolf-read a self vote?

Easy to say at this stage of the game, we went over how I did that on purpose to try to keep the JOAT alive.

Because I had voted the alleged JOAT WAY BEFORE they EVER claimed JOAT hello? Have you even ISOā€™d sadbi? I specifically gave reasoning for my voting sadbi, they had not provided any useful reads other than going with the likely town reads already on the thread.

I have literally not been town reading Eliza whatsoever ever since D1 finished, I even pushed HARD to get a D2 Eliza execution with went down the drain not because of me but because Eliza herself pushed it onto Kanave + Ranta and showed up last minute to put their vote on Kanave hitting the last nail in the coffin because YBW didnā€™t want a rand between Eliza and Kanave despite them preferring an Eliza execution (this beats me donā€™t ask me why because I literally cannot answer that).

I am still, like I said ever since D2 started, believing that Eliza has no compelling reason to be considered town and while I can somewhat see where youā€™re coming from, I also have a big hunch youā€™re wolf too just based on the last minute vote hammering your slot had, as of right now I have little to no arguments to townread you.

Have you fact-checked any of the arguments YBW provided for townreading me by the way? Maybe those can make you feel better about me.

To be honest I find it hard to believe anyone wouldnā€™t townread me or YBW (if they were alive) by this point of the game, us two were like the MOST towny players by a longshot.

Yeah my slot seemed like an inactive slanker.

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They werenā€™t really doing much productive.

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Iā€™ll tell you something.
You are in a likely deep wolf position and I really didnā€™t like your day 1.

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