Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins

JOAT 10er Day 2 - Votecount 10

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Drinks Demisha, Zorvo 2

If Drinks receives one more vote, they will get hammered!

what the fuck

/vote drinks
What Iā€™ve learnt here is that youā€™re all bad at the game of standard mafia yet you think youā€™re all geniuses who can outsmart the other people at the table. Newsflash: you probably canā€™t outwit the other people at the table because the other people at the table are also smart.



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Hammer has been reached!

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Drinks Demisha, Zorvo, Eliza 3
Drinks was...

Mary, Vanilla Town

You are Mary, Vanilla Town. Your only weapons are your voice and your vote.

Defeat the Mafia.

A couple of bangs can be heard through the room.


It had to be doneā€¦ now we can finally leave the past behind.
Suddenly the room shapes into the Otherworld and Cybil quickly close the door behind.
Followed up by a mysterious laughter, Maria says sheā€™s thankful for things she has done.
Cybil turned around to face the door, but she finds it that it has dissapeared along with Maria!

The Mafia has won, Silent Hill will be lost to a curseā€¦


And that it is folks, I have to say that Iā€™m quite surprised you didnā€™t go with your gut feeling to vote Ranta and Eliza.



I watched some of this game
predicted like d2 that scum would win in f5
Bet against mentalist d2 of eliza being executed and I won

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mom can we get pokemon 9er
we have pokemon 9er at home

pokemon 9er at home:


ggwp @Ranta the hosts robbed you blind there

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By the way, Eliza is Cybil

Ranta/Zorvo is Maria


Quite the deadly female duo


Funny how Demi dropped their Eliza read when I accused them of being a wolf with Eliza and then thought me and drinks were the team.

ISOā€™ed us and concluded Drinks looked worse I guess.

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Well good job Zorvo, always thought youā€™re great at FM! Teach me Italian sometimes as I know youā€™re from there :wink: :wink:

i realized afterwards that it was totally just eliza/ranta

Too little too late however


Iā€™m not Italian though.

I was never here


Can you give me your discord gutten tag again?

I know :joy_cat:

you know what? do I know you? I donā€™t believe weā€™ve met