Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Ah shit i have to iso zug do i

Im gonna cry and throw i do not want to iso more after the nightmare fam was

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Pigeon your awesome.

Its a current theme today of people over reading people. (Specifically jarek) Jareks town imma eat my hat on this. fuck you all.

late mind meld. too late to be funny

@Zugzwang ZUG ZUG 50 page document of why you are town by 10pm AEST.

bitch fuck you hate you fuck you bitch

dw half of them are Nya

b-bitchā€¦? w-what a cute nickname senpai :blush:

i apologize

with Jarekā€™s explanation of it, no; with how I read it, yes

I was never disputing that

depends what you mean here

like, I donā€™t have reads on enough people and need to fix that

as for ā€œif I donā€™t make reads people will vote meā€ - idk
like, I could see wolves piling on if I donā€™t (or possibly there are already wolves)
I donā€™t think itā€™d be at all reasonable to vote me though, regardless of how many reads I do / donā€™t give for the rest of the day

what the fuck



I wanna go home. i dont wanna be here anymore. i changed my mind vote me out bionic has killed me


its a yes or no.
are you pressuring yourself to make reads

oh, am I pressuring myself
in general yeah tbh
I noticed the thing from Jarek immediately though, but tbf if I had more reads I mightā€™ve not mentioned it as itā€™s not a major point

it could just be a reaction test, but i still donā€™t like how it was done

God damn why is doing an iso actually being hard i cannot sit there to read i cry

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and i still want to save derps

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me too

itā€™s obvious I know that you tunnel as town. so, if I were wolf, and youā€™re town, then voting you and pinging you there is exactly how to make you vote me. which is obviously not helpful.

But Iā€™m town, and figured that dealing with your vote and your pinging of others if youā€™re town, was worth it for helping solve you.

Suffering and pain i hate reading :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
A Zugzwang iso

I think here starts a series of zug either miss interpreting messages or arguing for semantics n shits that i can see later, this i already debunked tl:dr being that i didnt back off of it.

Derps push or start of it

Tinfoil but this oddly has TMI somehow? Idk how to explain it but it seems a bit TMI-dy

Catbae did give a reason in the post with the vote blegh

This also seems like a decision out of the blue since the original message didnt imply anything similar or of the sort.

Here is the semantics thing that i mentioned before, this whole jarek zug thing is just zug arguing about semantics and phrasing, something somebody else called out on guava before but seemingly abscent on here from what i remember