Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Hazard it was pretty popular in like post pandemic, lin manuel miranda???


Ding ding ding we got a winner

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Encantoā€™s my favourite disney movie so lin manuel miranda pulled it all together for me

This is convincing if itā€™s true, but the accusation against Zug seems highly debated
For now Iā€™ll UNVOTE

the one that is used in court is ā€œpleading the fifthā€, which is the right to not give self-incriminating testimony

no yeah but the joke was that I meant to say ā€œplead the secondā€ instead of ā€œplead the fifthā€ to imply that I was gonna shoot him
but I forgot which one the gun one was and said fourth

Ive been saying 2nd all this time

Okay, so let me explain why I thought/think Zugzwang is scummy. This isnā€™t a full confidence read, donā€™t get mistaken by me going in-depther here - I mainly just want to make my thought process clear to @jail . Zug felt like a candidate for me to apply pressure to, not necessarily my preferred elim.


But to start off maybe Iā€™ll talk about theory. I think a lot of people look for scum in people who are ā€œnot being townyā€, which usually involves lurking or posting filler, but in general I donā€™t find scum often exhibit those behaviors unless theyā€™re really inexperienced or polarized. Scum are going to want to try to blend in, to appear town while not doing things that actively harm the scum win condition, and when I try to read active players this is what I look for a lot of the time - someone who is giving the appearance of contributing without saying much. And I think Zug, at least from what Iā€™d seen early, fit that profile.

To start with, his opening is pretty fluff-heavy - I donā€™t think this is particularly alignment indicative and likely falls to playstyle, but is important as framing context. The first real read he gives is on Kanave, coming from the exchange #348 ā†’ #356 ā†’ #358 ā†’ #365 . I donā€™t eally buy this as a real read? It comes a little too free for what is a pretty nothng sequence from Kanave, and I donā€™t really believe someone would townread her simply for saying she forgot who she was scumredign and the reads werenā€™t really real.

Iā€™ve already covered #711/#716, but in general it feels like a very superficial thing to call scummy - shading gocj for a pretty harmless post. Itā€™s a reachand itā€™s the type of reach I often see come from scum straining to find a real reason to scumread someone.

This is followed by a post in response to being asked about leafia, #757, which is pretty tepid and inconclusive, ending up in nullscum, but dressed up in a lot of words.

#785 feels like itā€™s trying to diminish jail giving a townread on YBW, but it doesnā€™t really go anywhere with the exchange (followup in #786/#787/#800. This is my question - whatā€™s the point of this exchange? Does Zug seem to care about YBWā€™s alignment? is Zug trying to sort jail with these posts? Or is he posting solely to make conversation? I canā€™t see at least at a glance where this conversation is supposed to lead.

Then thereā€™s a lot of fluff following from that point, next substantive post is #964 which is a pretty tepid ddefense of ā€œleafia is just beign like leafiaā€, which to me is a readscum often make because itā€™s easier to fall back on that type of meta in order to project a higher level of certainty than a townsperson usually has.

I think his handling of derps in response to luxyā€™s scumread feels a little opportunistic - asks about volume #1121, gives two bits of meta #1123/#1124, links a recent scumgame #1129 and votes him #1130. Now, I had said at the time the wagon was an explicit pressure wagon, and I was fine with that. But itā€™s also an instance where if Derps is town (which is what Iā€™m leaning now), scum would look to possibly join the wagon in an opportunistic fashion. And it bothers me that Zug went to the effort of digging up a past scumgame from derps, but if you look at the timestamps it was only a few minutes to find the game, followeed by an immediate vote - so I donā€™t really think Zug ever actually bothered to read the game he linked, which suggests to me he was doing it to appear contributive but didnā€™t actually care to do the meta check on Derps himself.

He shades Creature in #1161/#1164. Is this a bad read? I thought it was suspect at the time so it feels cheap to ding him for it now, but itā€™s a read I can see scum making in that situation. My problem I guess is that Zug doesnā€™t really seem that interested in actually investigating/sorting the more active posters. Itā€™s very easy to make pushes based on things like activity, itā€™s a lot harder to actively investigate people and parse their posts fior meaning. So do kind of like that he voted Bionic and then claimed it was a test to get Bionic to towntell, but thatā€™s a minor note in what is otherwise a very safe ISO.

I think somewhere after this point is close to when I voted him so everything after would be post-hoc justification here, but to the point zug feels like someone giving the appearance of contributing to the game withoutā€¦actually saying all that much.

I thought the ā€œnot w/wā€ read in #1167 was a joke, but itā€™s ap[parently serious based on #1179, and this hits another pet tell of mine - giving "not w/w"reads on Day 1 is a great way to appear like youā€™re contributing without actually saying anything meaningful at all and still keeping your options open. (caught PProph off it on Day 1 a few years ago, didnā€™t have the guts to push it through). Itā€™s just a read that is unlikely toactually be useful at all.

Beyond that pointā€¦I donā€™t really see zug developing a worldview, or actually trying to figure people out. Heā€™s asking a lot of questions which is a way to appear engaged, but it never seems to lead anywhere. Itā€™s just making conversation but I canā€™t see any point where heā€™s actually looking for scum.

Writing all this made me feel like Iā€™m convincing myself to scumread him more, which is a good way to get confirmation biased but I donā€™t have many other people Iā€™d likely consider for a vote here.

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jailā€™s progression on me, and their emotions around it, are very towny

He gets the impression everyone is wolfreading me - if heā€™s town defending me, itā€™s easy to get that impression, because he sees no one being swayed by his confident read, showing that the thread isnā€™t listening. Whereas, if Jail was wolf, heā€™d have a realistic view of how many people are pushing me, since heā€™d be thinking about how and whether he can get me misexed.


The above pretty explicitly shows that he believes everyone else is against me. Also, the way Jail tinfoils:

fits well with that view. When you feel the entire thread is against you, itā€™s very natural to wonder if youā€™re the wrong one. Versus if you accurately see that thereā€™s just two people, itā€™s not too concerning.

He shows annoyance about me being pushed at multiple points - if heā€™s a wolf, heā€™s happy Iā€™m being pushed, and doesnā€™t actually want to prevent me from being exed. And the way heā€™s expressed that annoyance is hard to fake.

Quotes / Elaboration / Devil's Advocate

The above shows some annoyance, and itā€™s important that itā€™s here (as, most likely, a villager having their townread pushed would express some). More importantly, though:

earlier part of interaction - not too important so I'm spoilering it

Itā€™s not realistic for jail to get annoyed just at this, unless he was previously annoyed. And yeah, t!Jail wouldnā€™t be in a good mood if the thread has been ignoring his read, and heā€™s started to worry whether heā€™s being loud and wrong. Whereas, w!Jail is happy people are pushing a potential misexe, and knows he stands to look good from having a correct read, should I go over.

Devil's advocate

One can argue this is a sufficient reason for Jail to be annoyed. But tbh I just donā€™t buy that, and IMO itā€™s more likely the extra annoyance here (see bolded) is due to game events (ie, the same point as above).

One can also argue that Jail would be annoyed if wolves are doing badly - but the votecount, as of the post where they leave thread because theyā€™re grumpy, was:

SirDerpsAlot (2): Luxy, Gocj
Zugzwang (2): catbae, Bionic
bystander (1): Kanave
Kiiruma (1): Jarek
guavagudetama (1): Kiiruma
Leafia (1): Wazza
catbae (1): jail
jail (1): SirDerpsAlot

Not Voting (10): guavagudetama, Brakuren, bystander, Hazardwaste, Frostwolf103, Someone, Creature, YouButWorse, Leafia, Zugzwang

The wagons arenā€™t large, so realistically no wolf would be in too much danger. And at least one top wagon (me) is town. Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe revisit this if Derps flips wolf, because thereā€™s the possibility Jail is annoyed at Derpsā€™ play, regardless of whether he expected Derps would actually go over soon. Though I doubt that because Jail doesnā€™t seem to be the type of player to be annoyed at a wolfmate for that.

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while Iā€™m at it:


weaker townleans:
bionic (extreme yolo read)



this is all pretty subject to revision, like creature fels okay to me based on recent posting but i think heā€™d specifically play to tiptoe around me as much as possible as mafia so i kind of have to be careful because nothing heā€™s done is lock clearing yet. any of this can/will be subject to revision, depending on how things develop so donā€™t take it as being set in stone, but i feel ~relatively good about my townreads atm and think itā€™s a good place to start from


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he doesnā€™t want to be unreasonably searched what can i say

u mindmeld with me all day but im null ok buddy +wolf

where did we mindmeld? genuine question i donā€™t remember

the thought process here:
Generally, forgetting reads is wolfy, because people usually remember real reads. But, thereā€™s also the argument that wolves donā€™t want to mention they forgot their reads, because they know itā€™s wolfy. So, I asked if the reads are fake (since, if theyā€™re actually fake, forgetting them is NAI).

For a while I went back and forth about how likely it is for T!Kanave to have faked that read, and how likely it is for W!Kanave to try to hide under the cover of ā€œoh uhhhhhhh those reads are fakeā€
but after thinking for a while, I felt that T!Kanave faking their reads, and W!Kanave saying they were fake, are both fairly likely
which makes the fact they said they were fake ~null. While thereā€™s still the thing that T!Kanave is more likely to be honest about forgetting it in the first place, so overall this is >rand town

idk is gira mafia!!


i dont really care to look for more but you having a null read on me is odd from a V!Catbae pov

i hate when people say town pov mafia pov