Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1


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Bionic having a town meta is a wild statement. he does the same thing as both allignments

@Kiiruma Why.

i would honestly prefer you not do an iso lol i don’t like when people do that, give me an abstract summary, i’m smart and can think for myself

i usually end up doing big wallposts when i’m in manic solve mode and trying desperately to convince people

when do i can my cloreinda when is the pity thing

you cant just town read me then say you dont like my slot the next

without giving a reason

no he’s quite different
as wolf he’s way less aggressive
he did somewhat break his meta in FAM4 but not fully (he had individual moments of aggression against various people, but no overall direction or push)

Like what the hell changed

How far apart are those posts?

soft pity is 76 rolls (20% of getting here, followed by 13% followed by 9%)

you have a 30% of getter a 5 star before that

Hard pity is 90 rolls, but that is INCREDIBLY rare and unlikely

About 1200

Interesting to know what changed in between

1:26 pm my time (Our time) was the first post.
8:42 am our time was the second post.

even more interesting is he was asleep for most this time


waiting for resolution on HazzyWazzy/Kiiruma conflict

“I dont like this slot so far” is thing that really gets me tho. cause he apparently like my slot earlier

i think i have like 74


do i have enough to guarentee clorinde (i have 0 primos rn)

i guarenteed for not standard though