Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

I dont want to disminish but jail you may be pocketed

nyaaaaa :heart:
I generally try to be pleasant, even if Iā€™m being pushed for bad reasons, or if Iā€™m pushing someone

also as for this
idk how Iā€™d play this as wolf in general
I wouldnā€™t make that post though, for fear of it coming off as TMI or BS
one of the problems Iā€™ve had in my recent wolfgames is being unable to judge whether that kind of reasoning is realistic

Look at them trying to solve via meta.

It will happen any moment now, have little more faith.

nyaaaaaaaaaaa I am too tired to continue rn
so Iā€™m posting where Iā€™m at now + misc thoughts in another post

Reads with * are ones I didnā€™t fully analyze rn

Strong town

Medium town

Lean town

Light town



Jail is detailed in 2750. Iā€™m very confident here and honestly a little bit of me considered faking a green peek on him to ensure people sheep this even if I go over, but Iā€™m not doing that out of policy.

Bionic is in his town meta - while it is a fakable meta, heā€™s consistently done this as town, and not done it as wolf.

Wazza read is this:

Derps I find towny for the way theyā€™ve shared their role so openly*, and theyā€™re no longer frozen / lowposting. It does concern me that theyā€™re not making any confident pushes though; they tend to do that as town. (Hence why theyā€™re in lean town instead of medium.)

*This is a towntell in general, but given what I know of Derps I also buy this:

Someone is for MechTM (not the stuff mentioned in thread). Iā€™ll not reveal more now. Off dayplay Iā€™d put them at null; I donā€™t think their miller claim is AI, given theyā€™re good at making fakeclaims (for the average player itā€™d be towny though).

Brak I havenā€™t seen anything towny or hard to fake, though to be fair itā€™s 1 AM when Iā€™m looking through this so I could be missing things. Coming into the ISO I had thought their various fishes (namely: [asking the source of Mayā€™s discord message, and then the day it was from] and [asking for the players who won the Derps wolfgame I linked]) were towny, but upon thinking about it, theyā€™re accustomed to these types of fishes so I think I was overweighting that.

Thereā€™s an argument to TR Brak for:

Because it makes him look worse when he doesnā€™t get nightkilled, but I donā€™t believe that. Also thereā€™s an argument that wolves have too much voting power if Brak is a wolf (assuming 4-5 wolves) but that only maaaaybe holds water if thereā€™s 5 wolves IMO.

Luxy initially (all of yesterday) read like a town leader to me, and I was under the impression theyā€™re pretty experienced. Today they feel kinda lost? I think itā€™s that theyā€™re projecting a lot less confidence in their reads now - while the first day they declared a bunch of reads on players, and also gave a full readslist, today theyā€™re having some doubts. I need to think more on this but my gut feels their lost-feeling posts today are pure. Iā€™m also inclined to townlean the switch - they were clearly capable of projecting confidence yesterday, so thereā€™s not really much reason to stop doing that.*

*Thereā€™s some arguments for why w!Luxy does this, which I have yet to think through. Like, one can say Luxy is worried about looking bad from my flip but wants to push me. Or that now that earlygame is over, theyā€™re worried about their reads looking unsubstantiated/overconfident, and therefore wolfy. Many such explanations - the May in my head
But rn none of those seem super likely

Leafia is in her towny postcount meta.

Sheā€™s aware of this tell, and that I know it, but in FAM4 wolfchat tutuu pinged Leafia, warning that her that May and I know this, and will likely wolfread her for posting a ton. Leafia proceeded to post 189 times d1 anyway. So it still holds IMO
I should still look back at some other towngames where Leafia was pushed, to see if I can find the same fireyness there

Its more so its better to have the check now on some people since day ends in like 15h

Like who

Pfft no I am not joking.

True true.

nyaaaaaaaaaaaaa cool
I no longer want catbae checked
while Iā€™m still a bit concerned they are gonna powerwolf and run away with the game if theyā€™re wolf, if theyā€™re town theyā€™re gonna get nightkilled anyway so itā€™d be a waste of a check

given the wagons, Derps/Me are probably optimal checks

(also nyaaaaaaaaaa can you check me nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
(this is kinda selfish but Iā€™d enjoy being cleared rn)

i just have got not a single thought on you. probably should of made it a bit clearer.

Hazard, during the game, has given me kinda tired / :pensive: vibes
skimming in their ISO I donā€™t get that though so Iā€™ll have to look back and find where I saw that
also @Hazardwaste would you say that fits how youā€™ve felt

YBW is towny; idrm all of what gave me that read

I was (and am) wolfleaning Guava going into their posts
for their push on Gocj, and their push on Leafia despite having played enough games to know their meta
didnā€™t have anything additional that stuck out when I read through, though, which was strange

i mean i can say i am tired. i am on my 3rd week of a 3 week long prac assignment. i dont know how much that has effected my game tho

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Why not your top susp considering a red check is more ā€˜valuableā€™ than a green one

I tell you what, he is going to have share of being cleared with you, that a plan?

overall a bit concerned that I donā€™t have enough wolfreads
though, I havenā€™t looked at Hazard/kii yet and thereā€™s a decent chance of a wolf in there
thereā€™s also Kanave/Gocj/Bystander/Jarek (looking a bit less at Kanave/Jarek there tho)

Okay, Iā€™m actually a lot more confident in you being town again. Thatā€™s a very nuanced and thought out post on multiple players.

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a red peek is more valuable, yeah, but a green peek on Guava is a lot less valuable than one on Derps/Me, because weā€™re actually being wagoned rn
and Iā€™m not confident enough on w!Guava for that trade to be worth it