Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

You could have used the shot on Kanave or something. But no, you have to be Tunguska.

I mean you can guess who

I coulda said the same with you and your cop check :heart:

me :moyai:

Lara croft right tell me you shot lara croft


who is lara croft

Idk its likely an ability imo

A shot I actually don’t hate


I hate you and your guts.

its laughable actually.

Go and sit on dead chat

I swear I’ll spend this entire game hating both of those players and I might not even be right about it but you know what nobodys gonna help me so I’m stuck

i still wanna live so
VOTE: kii

Btw if frost flips wolf i would considering opening catbae

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I do kinda shield them I have to say this cop check was very under the radar-esque

Gocj, your big brain need to be short-circuited.

Because I am rightfully angry at you.

And do i seem to care?

I understand you may have your thought process, but that thought process to the outside can sketchy af and you dont seem to understand it

I’ve claimed.
And I think my claim is consistent with everything that I’ve said this game about myself.

I havent read any of that but claims in a bastard games are as good as air
