Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

You can hate it all you want.
I don’t like being cleared for being emotional sometimes.
I don’t like being emotional at all.
I felt so bleh yesterday.

I hate you no stop.

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I told you I’d do this as town

Forum mafia has made me quite disconected it’s weird it’s like I just don’t care about emotions it’s like I’m a robot or something. I just see cold hard logic

town or wolf the cold hard logic says that one way or another you’d be hamming up the cop check missing. Either because you missed your chance to get cleared, or your emotions are running because you just dodged a bullet.

Nah fuck you Intoducing me is a scum tell from kiiruma. Promsie trust


Just convince me by finding a wolf that I couldn’t and I’ll reconsider or some shit

It’d be fucking ballsy for me to do it 2 games in a row as a wolf when I know how much you side-eyed me for it first time lmao

@Jarek you see my biggest worry is that i have a stratiscts bias sometimes in my reads.

So what worries me is everytime I town read someoone for AtE they are mafia. So that does give me a staticts bias, althoug there have been times where I have townread for emotions I think those emotions were frustration.

So by town reading Kiiruma off AtE i have a worried suspision because everytime I get fooled this way i’m like “man i should just policy ate”


I realize that. But the things you’ve said about him today:

honestly don’t seem bad if you’re a wolf?

I think I’m cool with letting kiiruma live if you are for now. I have enough townreads that I think are fairly good odds of being right that letting one wolf off the hook for like, a small while isn’t the end of the world

I mean you win FM by correctly finding all the villagers at the end of the day not by finding all the wolves


Achro’s just a cool FM player at the end of the day. My card doesn’t force Achro to do anything, it just gives him a space where we can pseudo hydra.

Achro was the one who I initially followed about Guava. I then took it and just… ran with it a lot. I pushed it more than I should’ve and I probably should’ve talked to him as things progressed.

Reads Achro has mentioned have been:
Gocj Town
Leafia Town
Jarek probably Town (but silly) - Achro’s words not mine lol
Hazard ‘Obv Town’




Is that why you called me misguided

Yep. That and the fact I can see I have a green card :D

Because that pinged off of me as something a wolf would say to someone who they don’t want to scumread but they do want them to “piss off”

have you not been paranoid that Achro may be working against you?

Although I think Kiiruma’s push onto Guava is moderately bad, I can’t say that much considering I was probably the leader of that axe

I think it looks moderately worse for Kiiruma to have pushed Guava if we assume what Kiiruma is saying about his role is true?

At the end of the day I’ve been dealing with Juttering Watchtower playing in my mind 24/7.
So I’m going to just choose to act like that can’t be the case.

what happened there
I wasn’t on FOL when that game was a thing