Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

I have looked into the abilities so here is what I am going to say before you slandering more.

Remember I have handed the bomb to Bionic? This is evidence I cant be paired because I handed the bomb too soon, since I claimed earlier about red check and also make him lynch proof, if the bomb went off or dayvig got him, I would be retracted my claim either way and said I lied about the whole thing.

If I was really that susipcious I would have been leading another wagon.

But bionic handed the bomb to Catbae and that makes no sense because the ā€˜self-hammerā€™ would end his life rather than sparing him.

Itā€™sā€¦ coronation day!

Players may submit, privately in their rolecard, for which living player should become the next :crown: Queen :crown: of Pop.

A new queen will be crowned at the end of the day.

I donā€™t want to be cleared off of a greencheck alone if Iā€™m not doing good enough for you outside of that then go for it

You know what. Creature Iā€™m making your vote negative

Is it for today only? I ainā€™t using my vote alot this game


@Jarek whos vote should I make negative

Truth be told, I think youā€™re being fairly towny outside of it, just not as much as Frost. If you didnā€™t feel towny I would prob tinfoil the greencheck on you more loudly.

:thinking: Iā€™d need to think about that

Also this is what, I gathered so far:

Wagonmatics Analystics in relation to Bionic.

Day 1

guavagudetama (3): catbae, Brakuren, Bionic
Gocj (3): guavagudetama, Frostwolf103, Jarek


Put on third voter, odd.

Kiiruma (3): Gocj, Jarek, Bionic
SirDerpsAlot (3): Zugzwang, catbae, Luxy


Kiiruma/Bionic are not w/w in this scenario.

Gocj (3): Frostwolf103, Leafia, Bionic
SirDerpsAlot (3): Zugzwang, Luxy, Gocj


Unpaired with Gocj, plus derps voters are most likely all town, since Luxy died.

Zugzwang (2): catbae, Bionic


Second alongside with Catbae, make it sounds like Catbae is mafia tactician, see Guava wagon.

Furthermore to sound like Zug is designated buss wagon for this to work since this is still within first half of day one, (1493) and nearly 6PM in my timezone.

This may be important information, most can be town and avoid pinging the following:

Pigeon, Creature, Guava (Dead), Hazardwaste, Luxy (Dead), Zug, Gocj, Jail, Kiiruma, Wazza and Catbae.

Leafia (5): Wazza, guavagudetama, YoubutWorse, Jarek, Bionic

Unpaired with Leafia

SirDerpsAlot (6): Luxy, bystander, Gocj, guavagudetama, Jarek, YoubutWorse
Zugzwang (2): catbae, Bionic
guavagudetama (2): Kiiruma, Leafia


Since Catbae moved the vote away from Guava and this is exactly second half of the Day 1 phase by now, this may disprove that Catbae is the original role that requires first voter on the execution on Guava or the effect somehow still carry over, does it make sense? Not quite if the mafia tactician made all the work for nothing, furthermore on Derps wagon only YBW/Pigeon is the worst of the voters.

between (2372 and 2591) Catbae unvoted from the wagon and votes Hazardwaste, very likely to be unpaired.

Zugzwang (3): Bionic, SirDerpsAlot, Kanave

Now after back couple of hundred posts:

Zugzwang (5): Bionic, SirDerpsAlot, Kanave, Gocj, Leafia

(3058 and 3171)

Hasnā€™t changed much, but that means whoever unvoted from Zugzwang wagon are definitely town.


Or ditched the plan and go for different town wagon, this also gives suspicious points for Kanave.

Day 2

Day 2 and makes Wazza unpaired with Bionic.

Kanave (5): Gocj, thepigeonnyc, Leafia, catbae, Bionic
Bionic (2): Wazza, Creature


Creature unpaired with Bionic in that regard, and this is before I made the fakeclaim.

Bionic (3): Wazza, Creature, catbae

This however is interesting vote and will clear out Catbae like that.

Bionic (4): Wazza, Creature, catbae, Zugzwang
Frostwolf103 (3): Kiiruma, Gocj, Bionic


This happens after I made the redcheck fakeclaim, nothing changed much.


Last ditch effort by voting Kiiruma again

Bionic (10): Creature, Zugzwang, Brakuren, catbae, Leafia, Wazza, Frostwolf103, thepigeonnyc, Jarek, Bionic


The moment its believed there will be majority vote cast and ā€˜passā€™ the bomb on Catbae and let it explode, waiting for that moment. Except that plan failed.

THE ONLY PLAYERS that are potentially wolf from this wagon are Catbae, Zugzwang (to prove the ability) and Pigeon (the bomber)

Youā€™re basically asking me who I wolf-read but if I wolfread them Iā€™d just want them dead not debuffed

Well shit if thatā€™s permanent thatā€™s gonna be really risky if used on town who may survive to LyLo

I mean their vote still counts they just can only lower someoneā€™s total votes lol

Itā€™s disabled in lylo along with any other vote things


I voted myself FYI I donā€™t do shit all else anyway

Thatā€™s only true if it wasnā€™t planned out. Itā€™s just a very big coincidence that Bionic just so happened to have that ability locked on that way and you wanted him shot.

So no. Iā€™m not going to disregard the possibility that you planned that with him to unlock his abilities. I donā€™t think itā€™s worth focusing on for now though.

Ok then that ainā€™t too bad

I would only be concerned about it if a town player had -1 vote in LyLo

Having +1 vote might be more interesting and I might actually die! :smiley:

Oh also @catbae has the bomb now I didnā€™t want the responsibility Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll handle it well

Granted I have taken notice about this possibility at night yes

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