Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

tbh save it for a shit king vote provided I don’t get it and the person who does isn’t someone who should have

I won’t mind if you turn my vote negative because I ain’t using it a lot anyway

That also takes the pressure to vote right EOD off me

I’d say vote for either me or Kiiruma.

Fine I’d give it to Kiiruma

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I’m voting myself for the king vote but I’m not interested in pushing it hard enough to campaign for it, because I don’t feel like dying too much

But I wanna use it now

Make me king


but I want the infinite use necromancy

It dosent make it infinite you can just use all uses left in a single phase

oh well I have 0 uses wtf kinda scam are you pulling

Also brak IS allowed in dead chat and can use their abilities hosts decided lol bastard and put them in dead chat

Derps is fine too.

Who I trust the most for king alignmentwise: Frostwolf103

Who I trust the most for king accuracywise: catbae


More confirmation for me from the dead players


Frost wolf

What do you think Bionic have been spewing/antispewing lately? I have given thought in my wagonmatics analytics, should you take a look.

Both are contenders for being a wolf, so both are a hard no for me.

I’m terrible when it comes to reading spew.

Then this is gonna be really difficult