Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

i feel like this bomb is very anti australian lol

The bomb will only go off at EoD, I give to Bionic too soon.

I can understand why you changed your mind about Frost, but it’s hardly impossible for Frost to still be one of the unluckiest villagers I’ve ever seen in my life.

Not to mention he should have hold onto him, but he didnt

kill this man

I don’t like how you called them lynch immune and then tried to push them anyway I don’t like that you tried to day-kill them and I sure as hell don’t like that you backed down from the entire claim when you saw what was going on

But it was a wolf, and therefore I have consigned to looking elsewhere personally for now and killing you if you’re still alive later.

Leafia, Catbae is literally getting on my height for being unlucky themselves you pocketing digger

tbh can’t you just blow them up

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Ugh the lynchproof thing is indeed very very bad

Why tf did you think FPSing about making a wolf lynchproof a pro-town idea?

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Mate I havent being leading a wagon away from Bionic, think again

the bomb doesn’t work that way it only activates at EoD

if we want to coordinate it we can do so

okay you know what i’m passing to leafia assuming frost is a wolf

I’m of the mind that if we’ve got this essentially “community dayvig” we should be using it on someone we hella want dead yeah.

Personally I drag my feet at the whole wasting 48 hours thing but if we’re gonna use all 48 hours blowing up someone we want dead and using the chat to find someone else to kill is a good idea

oh wait the bomb is any player i haven’t passed it to so it can keep getting handed around, i misread that

i would have just bombed jail yesterday if i had realized that
now i feel like a shithaed

You were repeatedly encouraging a dayvig on Bionic though

FPSing the lynchproof made them very likely to be dayvigged if there was one

You do realize you do look bad at near EoD1 you removed the vote on Zug’s wagon and makes Bionic the leading voter on that wagon.

tinfoil theory but is it possible zug died because he won the event

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Your reward is to instantly die

Guess what? A dayvig killed Someone.

go ahead and thunderdome me, i can guarantee it won’t end well