Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Cause it seemed she was very adament if being voted. Which btw no one followed lol… she said it then
Creature, Gocj, leafia, frost, jarek

All proceeded to ignore and vote me. Only two people who outed they heard were straight up catbae and bystander. Which fair enough catbae couldnt have done shit. But bystander just let it happen

Adament on*

Tbf gocj and Creature like voted a millisecond after she claimed it

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It’s a possibility. If so, you owe Jail your life. Jail is a he by the way.

I am…. Really bad sorry

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Gocj is on Creature, you and Derps on these wagons.

… what?

Oh the doll is from jaik

Gocj voted Derps, you and Creature since these are major wagons.

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So you saying gocj is just following the biggest wagon.
@Frostwolf103 @Leafia why did you vote for me at the end there. Did you not see jail’s plead?

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I honestly didn’t see it.

Its kinda his own fault (I also blame Bystander for enabling him to do it, I told him no dont do it, its probably bad)

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True. Very true. I wonder why he did it?

Except Pigeon yeah

I dont wanna know who’s fault it was. I wanna know why you didnt choose to save jail

I think Gocj is probably a villager. Not as sure about them as I am about you and Derps though.

Curousity killed the cat, what kind of red flag on the description did he not get.

Further than that I have no idea, maybe its a lure thing that may kill voters too? It was too confusing why its a good idea to vote.

Remember I tried to push him earlier and he is not having it, so I dont think he thought this early to be suicidal

Quite possibly. I guess we’ll only know postgame when we ask him.

Like he did tell about the ability and asks the game thread if he should use it or not, nearing EOD

He did? I missed that.