Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

I’m no scientist but I’m pretty sure everyone has 1 ability each per thing

wouldn’t you be like
dead lol

yeah??? I do???

@Leafia you better come clean, did you attacked the visitors?

girl stop being cryptic if you’re accusing me of something say it

Nah I’d win.

i’ve told you my passive, my day ability is to target someone and peek their hoods the next night, and my night ability is a doc

No I’m absolutely suspecting you

You managed to successfully use an ability to check hoods but didn’t successfully use your doctor ability?

Day ability vs Night Ability

girl you were making it out to be a night ability

you’re good

o sorry yeah shoulda specified, I pick during the day

VOTE: Leafia

I suspect Leafia killed Catbae, but I survived because of my passive.

because of your passive?

Bulletproof vest.

how many bulletproof vests are there and how do I get one

I would, if I havent fudged up my claims.

But this one is very real passive.

the crackpot theory in me is telling me that we should test it :joy_cat:

Jarek and Kanave can vouch for me I have claimed my BPV in royal chat

that reminds me

@thepigeonnyc who did you bomb

are we intentionally not mentioning the third person