Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

oh i probably shouldn’t have said it like that

guys who let me play mafia LOL

the dead person

Alright I’m going to bed now. Don’t do anything stupid and speed vote anyone we’ve got conversations to have

No, Catbae is in the chat as well.

I am implying the living players in the royal chat, Kanave.

Hey sorry i am back. I can out what my character basically does if its needed to progress the game

Maybe, maybe not.

But I have reason to believe both Leafia and Gocj are scum:

At first night I targeted Gocj what my interlude ability does. Gocj claimed to have self healed and redirected Kanave, the player who claims who can heal.

Wazza is currently redirected away from me targeting someone else and got incorrect guess, Gocj is the only known claim that can redirect players.

I targeted Leafia with my same ability again this night, I skipped Night 2.

I think I understand why my interlude ability no longer works.

I do have good news for you, Hazard. I reaction tested this.

Leafia knows its fake.

have leafia and gocj responded to this accusation?

i’ll re read the messages i missed after i eat dinner btw. i dont wanna type and eat

No not yet, not that matters.

The reason my interlude ability fails because I let two mafia members know what my ability can do.

See, if I targeted town then it would have worked. But now the whole mafia team knows this.


Vote Leafia and place the bomb to Gocj near EoD if possible, Gocj likes bombs so it would be rude not to give farewell gift.

@Creature forget the PoE list, focus on Leafia and then Gocj after Leafia if Pigeon fails to deliver the bomb to Gocj.

again i am happy to claim if you need me too. i think i may need to soon anyway

@Gocj need some more info from you mate. Your the only one who has even discussed redirections this game so this isnt the best look for you

pbbbbbttttt so frost the basis of your scum read is you have a tinfoil that Leafia is a veteran?

No, it is irrefutable claim that Leafia is the only possible player to attack Catbae visiting her and I lost the BPV when I visited Leafia as well. Because if she is town veteran with watcher passive, where did the factional attack go?

Please read my posts above, I already explained in comprehensive manner.