Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

Can we confirm Achro and Caitlin have to 100% contain a wolf?

you can’t wagon me today like you wanted because I voted Orange and spent the day whining about our Salmon Run to stop precisely that

you opened today not voting me which is outing

She is twisting multiple things.

Anyway I tried letting the kids have fun, but first Orange (with Story) and now Leafia (with Orange) has led town into a disadvantageous position. So I guess I should step up and win the game for town.

what in the

that was a reply to leafia

Achro is literally always a wolf gere Treasure.

you’re faltering

It isn’t outing, Leafia just always votes Achro here

… What’re the odds we’re all town and wolves are cait/gar/haz and are hoping we tear each other to shreds and can hop wagons at the last second

Shit how wrong am I?

Ok so

Either Caitlin is a Wolf or Caitlin has GOATed reads

…I’ll bookmark this post

I highly doubt you’r ed goi g togameturow like that Achro. I’m going to win this for the town.

VOTE: caitlin

Both obv wolvex are pushimg Caitlyn and have been all game.

Give me the team solve

does this make me the not obvious wolf?

I don’t know if I’m convinced anymore

thank god