Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

You have doubted lots of people are town this game. All im saying is keep an open mind, especially if I am killed

He has but just to say he was here.

I suppose I could let Hazard check in first but my mind is already made up and I don’t think anything hazard would say would change my mind on anything.

please dont be like this lol

I mean who’s your solve?


Oh shit sorry @Hazardwaste

I’ll wait for you to check in first

I’ll let Hazard say stuff because he asked to and then we hammer Caitlin.

ok thank you
after that
if no one else has anything to say

Very well.

I’m going to show you what’s up tomorrow.

I don’t think you are town and if you somehow are town and die tonight over me or Achro, I think I may just snap vote Hazard to get the game over with.

Cause clearly I would be wrong somewhere.

But I don’t think I am.

After Caitlin outed as wolf I figured out the team.

you’re changing your mind
is what you’re saying
i thought you had it locked from salmon run
that you were sure

I am sure.
In there I said it is you and Pyxxy.
That’s why I’m saying I wouldn’t believe it.

I won’t believe that you or Pyxxy are town here

oh i think i understand
i dont think you die here though
you should have died tonight
homiecat was sort of just chilling
you are more proactive as town

my face when rose is the scum:

Nah they aren’t

Don’t bother

No one’s ever voting them here they are obvious town

Wasnt caitlin obvious town

Not at all.
To me yes.

To Baker and Homiecat definitely not lol