Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

Of course you trust me
I’m the gargant—
That’s clever :clap:

Wait do you think i was calling you random words

Have you only just connected what i was doing

No I understood the stuff from earlier
But gargantuan just threw me off because
G a r g a n t u a n

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Hazard knows big words

Hazard is an English professor
(It was English right?)

Or teacher
I kind of stay off cookie thread most of the time
Me and socializing

First name drop for rose gg

I’ll find this question later but here is the response

For future knowledge. But obviously Pyxxy knew you enough to recognise ya by name caitlin



She reacted to me and Pyxxy the same way

Hmmm… she cant really decide to town or scum read Pyxxy

Ok Caitlin and pyxxy. For some reason caitlin cant really have a set read on pyxxy and then was willing to throw them under the bus to save herself. Which is usually NAI but the way she set this up makes it seem like she was gonna give the medal of honor for the kill too treasure. Which could honestly spew them both town if either one if them is town

Treasure what even was this?

Wnd me finished reading fucking that was hard on a phone how does litten do that.
Anyway achro is never scum here lol
And Pyxxy/Treasure i believe are alligned

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It was music and chemistry but close

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So close :joy:

Caitlin (2): Treasure, RoseRedWitch

Not Voting (5): Garfooled, Caitlin, Achromatic, pyxxy, Hazardwaste

When i hop off the train and waiting for the best train i may re read treasure and Pyxxy to see where that duo is alligned

It’s not me but I think everything will be more clear tomorrow.

Despite Gar being a wolf, It goes to show you just how townie Rose is.

I believe i have said more then enough today. Anything more may control the kills tonight. But i am satisfied. Thankyou for letting me have a day today (still wont be voting till nothing else is left to be said)

I have a long train trip tomorrow. So imma read alot of shit while on the train

No problem.

And I don’t know why your on Gar’s side.

Them and Pyxxy were wolfing it up in the hood, even if Rose disagreed.