Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

genuine question, was this real emotion?
either way never again
this isn’t allowed on the forums


like pyxxy said
the AtE stamp
you give them one and move on from then on

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orangeandblack5 don’t be passive aggressive for one day challenge


that’s not passive aggressive
that’s aggressively non passive



They do mega AtE as wolf, drop that clear forever

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Sorry @Caitlin you had your shot.

I’ve seen them do it before which is what I told you guys

I’m sorry Litten it just looked so genuine

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that’s because uh
it was real but maybe not for the reasons you thought

But this is an example where…
Wait I can’t even say that.

I was going to say this is an example game where town played good but mafia just played better but like.

Nah town still struggled, I flailed hard.

Mafia, mainly Gar was just smashing us to bits

How about this.

This is a game where a wolf had a damn good Manpulation game plan and went for it for the win and had no one suspecting them the entire game except the one person who did suspect them have vote with them for the game win.

That was me and the wolf was Gar.

Gar doesn’t kill their suspects, they make their accuser town read them and then vote with them for the win.

Not possible

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I can’t speak for cait obviously but I don’t think she would use ate like that if not genuine.

Also cute pfp

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Also x3 sorry for subbing out I didn’t really want to play this due to kinda outside of game reasons kind of in game
@archomatic ty for being an awesome and cute sub ur the bestest player

@archromatic a



i am trying to find a cute (animal) pfp but it’s not working

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