Splatfest Revenge - Day 6 - Mafia Victory!

nibbles arm cutely

my third eye

The will of God apparently.

except im really really not

and yeah sadly that’s the problem

ftr @tutuu if you are town this is why doing things like “faking scumslipping” are generally really bad unless you have a specific plan


all it did was cause every player involved to look worse

you included, but also fire and treasure

unless you three are the team and you’re throwing in which case thanks I guess this is really not helpful to finding any of you

and also why my vote is still on you

generally things that make every player involved look worse and where the person who orchestrated them didn’t do anything to push the town forward after said thing occurred are not great looks for the alignment of said player

goddamnit the church has invaded my mafia game

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No idea. I think the wolves fear me after my performance in Popcorny 2. Can’t really blame them.

Yup and no one understands the genius that is Leaf.

Favorite post ever. Laughs

Yes you do. You’ve been in enough games with me for that.

This isn’t your first ever game with me Garfooled. Also, you’ve had multiple people telling you the same thing I am.

To get me misexed. Duh. This is almost TWTBAW from you right now. Starting to think you might actually be a tunneled villager that’s ignorant of how I play. UNVOTE

Every time I’ve been exed D1 I’ve fli pl ped villager with only one exception.

Name one recent game where I didn’t do that as a villager. I’ll wait.

I’ve been in dozens upon dozens of games and you’re only using two of them instead of looking at more of them? Seriously?

Not sure what to think of Treasure right now. What’s your read on me Treasure?

What scares me is the possibility that Treasure could be a wolf trying to pocket me.

Yeah. This can die. Litten is far more active in scumhunting as town. VOTE: Litten

Better than what Garfooled is doing.

That’s not townie at all Abi.

I just wonder how many times you’re going to misread me before you realize that you have no ability to read me at this point.

You skill issue on me literally every game we’re in together now.

Abi didn’t kill Cait N1 that one time as a wolf.

What valid reasons? Because I don’t see any and neither do you and there’s no way you even think you do.

I haven’t been wolfy at all this gamend people are ignoring my past games or they’d see it.

Couldn’t possibly be more wrong. He’s saying realize that just because I look wolfy to you doesn’t mean I’m a wolf. Especially when I always seem wolfy in the eyes of others. I’ve literally played this way in our last several games together and I’ve been town every time. When will you learn?

Are you just going toautomatically assume I’m a wolf in every game from now on? Because if that’s the case, I’m not sure I even want to play with you any more.

I literally am villagery.

This line of thinking kills way more villagers than wolves.

No. It’s 100% true.

Claims this and is always wrong on me nowadays. It’s not on me when you’re wrong about me nearly every game we’re both in. It’s on you and it’s not being wolfy when I’m acting exactly like how I always act when I’m town.

What I think is hilareous is how you can be so wrong about so much in your games and still make this claim. Don’t get me wrong, I do have a lot of respect for your skill, but you’re far from the best, especially when it comes to reading me.

Or people let the wolves control the voting and push the person or it’s a skill issue on the voters.

Very good question.

Sounds good to me. Laughs

All of it matters.

The only thing about this that scares me is that how you’re treating me this game reminds me of how you treated me last game which was Popcorny 2.

You were scum that game. If you end up flipping scum, I’m going to be looking very closely at Garfooled.

It almost feels like you could be w/w right now. That’s the vibe I’m getting anyway. I don’t know if it’s correct or not though. What does everyone else think?

It is.

You do realize that I’m not wolfreading Luka, right?

We’re not at each other’s throats. Sowe’re not TvT. We could both be villagers though.

Have you played a Botf game with him in it?

This is potentially you TMIing me town. Why aren’t you thinking this: Hmmm, Caitlyn could possibly be defending a teammate. Instead of this: Leafia is wolfy but Caitlyn is defending her so Leafia must be town and Caitlyn wolf?
In short, you’re way too certain we’re not w/w for my liking.

That you wouldn’t vote for your top town to be executed in the first place.

No she didn’t. She’s been townleaning me since the beginning.

A post very similiar to one he made last game as town.

Reminder that Tutuu had Luka, a wolf, as locktown last game.

[quote=“Caitlin, post:1262, topic:6608, full:true”]

I don’t agree that Litten is TMIing Treasure town with this but I still think Litten has a high possibility of being a wolf.

We will. Yeah. Caitlyn obvtown now regardless of Litten’s flip. A wolf just doesn’t do what she’s doing.

No. Not explaining reads is generally wolfy. Not towny.

I literally am.

Fairly certain Tutuu is town now.

Finally got caught up.


Why didn’t my vote for Litten register? Did I forget to vite for him? Anyway…VOTE: Litten


What makes you so sure that Caitlyn and I aren’t both wolves?

You would lose to them in discord mafia.

I never said you weren’t.

You literally did and it’s your entire reason for pushing Caitlyn. You believe she TMIs me town.

Not sure how it made me look worse

I’m sorry to inform you but that was me trolling them.

I voted every single player in the game so I can’t be a wolf anyway.


I’m not sure I believe that, but you are Litten and I know you love doing that so I guess I can give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Besides, there’s someone besides you that I started suspecting as I got caught up. VOTE: Luka

High possibility of a wolf flip I feel.

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That doesn’t stop you from being a wolf.

I haven’t voted a teammate in two years.