Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

How is that TMI?

projecting implies that i myself would be getting coached
i don’t need fucking coaching?

No, projecting would mean you were coached in the past or had anecdotally a similar situation

you conclusively shot down all of magnus’ reads without even a first thought
on reads made a few hours into day 1

never been coached

anyways w.e you’ve said, valid points.

VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

I swear if Jaiden wasn’t in the game, I would think it’s her alt…

At what point does this stop becoming bait and start becoming actual genuine scumslips

at least you’re more town tell than before when I asked for reads



I just made the read on magnus cuz i felt like it, if it’s TMI then whatever I’ll admit it looks bad.

Yeah no man, they’re all scumslips clearly

Voting me based on the assumption that I’m a similar person to Jaiden? Where did your reasoning go?

Hopping on the train for nothing

First one was pointed out as a perspective slip and the second one looks like TMI coupled with all this chaotic gameplay I’m having trouble seeing a townsfolk doing all of this

looks more like you think you got caught and you’re not entirely sure what to do so you’re just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks.

I’m going to sleep now, though.

And the wagon has too many votes for me to comfortably vote without worrying about it being hammered while I sleep so I’ll see later

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Omg I swear you FM players are terrible at reading me, this is not the first time it’s happened before.

Maybe it’s just because I like playing devil’s advocate on situations that give wolves openings to lap up a train on me.

I don’t want to deal with a Google impersonator… Dealing with Google was hard enough.
It’s a policy lynch, not a read-based lynch.