Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

@Magnus, could you maybe give us a tierlist of who you currently think would be a good or bad execution for the day? I know you’ve put out a readlist, but it’s a little outdated, and it’s also not necessarily an execution-list, especially with your role, you know?

Wolves are beancat, Zorvo, italy and Jaiden as my early game shot in the dark prediction

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Think about it this way: is executing Zorvo today, which will effectively make me a tree stump (Mafia could kill me later, but that’s assuming I’m not killed) the ideal path forward? Is Zorvo the best info flip, is Zorvo the most likely to flip Mafia? You’re looking for a balance, we aren’t scumhunting D1.

I’ll just bus my teammates and use that towncred to carry me to the end.

I specified what I meant later, because Zorvo made the same error. If that player is executed, I lose my ability to cast deciding votes. Practically voteless, but I can still “vote” during the day, if that makes sense?

It worked for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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It doesn’t, honestly. I’m very not smart.

Still if we’re gonna kill anyone…I don’t know who it’d be yet but going for the obvious LHF bait isn’t the choice I’d make

I wasn’t planning to execute Zorvo today, I was planning to push Zorvo for reactions today. That’s why I didn’t even think about your role - I don’t even want him dead, I want to see how people react to a case on him to develop a proper read, but those reactions won’t be organic because of the qualifier of your role. It’s obvious I don’t actually want him dead, because I’m publicly believing your claim, and that’s an inherent contradiction. It sucks.

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You know I went for the low hanging fruit vote on Porscha last game and it got town absolutely nowhere because they were the general consensus vote without providing any content in return it was a dead end

lets not do that again

on P#989, I’ve seen Zorvo treat you strongly like town from the gamestart as town in previous games and it really pinged me at the time (felt weirdly buddying on Zorvo’s side) but you both ended up being town
this also happened 2 times

so idk, it doesn’t read as TMI to me for this reason

btw the #1070 link you have is actually also linked to #989 but yeah, I can’t really see it

I thought we’ve already established this wasn’t going anywhere
what is your point?

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Fair. His continual overestimation of me is one factor I tend to fail to take into account because I just don’t understand it (he N1ed me as wolf playing a single game with me where I got N2ed). Maybe my fatal flaw is involved in this argument just as much as Zorvo’s. We’ll both be taken down in a poetic manner by the end of the story, I’m sure.

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If Zorvo is a wolf Zorvo 100 percent distanced with Eliza btw.

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just to clarify, who is the LHF you’re referring to? :gun:


ok, I will not kill you
(for now)

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If I didn’t know any better I’d say they’re deliberately trying to get scumread and voted by making extremely odd statements.

I couldn’t tell you why though. I hope they elabourate at some point.

I’m going to have to go back and check for myself but noted ig

forget going back
I’m going to sleep :wowee:

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I know the readlist is outdated, but I copy+pasted the playerlist and tried assigning percentages, and then numerical values, and got absolutely nowhere. Can’t we just go with the flow?
Here’s my heat map:

I_Dislike_FM (3): Italy, Marluna, lol
Zorvo (3): Silviu200530, May, Jarek
Lemonfairy (3): I_Dislike_FM, Magnus, Cape90
May (1): Zorvo
Magnus (1): Jaiden
Cape90 (1): Neon
beancat (1): Lemonfairy
Jarek (1): ElizaThePsycho

Not Voting (2): Gorta, beancat

Colour =/= read, as you know. And it’s only regarding today. I think Cape will need to be reanalysed as time goes on, for one.

I also think it’s important to state that I’m not actually opposed to executing the name I’m given on any particular day, I’ll just be more reluctant than usual for obvious reasons. The longer I’m left alive the higher chance I cause a problem, so it’s a fairly interesting role.

That’s a lot of gold, actually.