Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

no what the fuck

Yeah… I would agree, seriously we need mech info.

I’ll self-reveal my role tonight if that’s going to help. Though I really want to know if there’s more than 1 ability

You fell into the trap

This must die.

lemon saying my iso is scummy and then completely dropping off it
“why is it scummy”
“just read it lmao”

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Be my guest, do it the next game aswell. You can not escape the informed chat Silviu

Since I’m going to die

Lock town never rescind






Lock scum never rescind


Oh also kill Silviu

Rule of 4 baby

Alright, I’m going to hammer myself into an acceptable shape like a blacksmith. Composure regained. Posts will now be longer than a sentence.

Now that we’ve consolidated a little, it’s possible to ask meaningful questions about the game, and so I will. To everyone on the playerlist:

  • What percent chance of flipping scum would you give to your current vote? Do you think your vote is the most likely to flip scum in the game, and if not, who?
  • If your current vote flips mafia, who is their most likely partner? If your current vote flips town, who will you go after next?
  • How many wolves do you think are being voted right now? Are the scum bussing any of them?
  • Do you think scum are taking the lead and starting their own wagons right now, or are they sheeping others?
  • If you had to vote for one of the top two candidates (Gorta or Neon), who would it be? Would you be satisfied with that vote?

Okay boomer

10 out of 10 defense.

I can’t wait until i flip town and you all ignore everything i said like the last time i died and flipped town

Seeing how dead set Italy is on his vote on me, I haven’t had a vibe that he’s willing to solve the game. Let’s force him to.

VOTE: Italy

Also 2k post pog

10 out of 10 perspective

I can’t wait until i flip town and you all ignore everything i said before i died because muh role fishing

i am solving
the objective is to duel as many players as possible in thread and the wolves will simply reveal theirselves to me

What have you even said.

Mainly just “out yourself because you have 2 votes”

Give me content

i thought you were pro-elimming Neon, anything change that?

35%. If we’re assuming 1/4th of the playerlist are Mafia, those are better odds than picking randomly, but not by much. RN I’ve got my eye on Lol.
If Gorta flips Mafia, I’m going after Jarek. Otherwise, I’m gonna tunnel Lol until he sways my mind (or if I die tonight, ig).
I don’t have that TMI, sorry.

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Girl, we are on the same page with content.

Now feed me anime gifs so I can send you shrimple gifs

Neon has 1 shitty vote on her like an hour ago

Neon gets flash wagoned out of a shitty game state as EoD approaches

Town “yeah we got a woof here and aren’t walking into a town misexe led by woofs”

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