Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Also please stop antagonizing Italy it won’t help ty ty


unfortunately you will still never be allowed to live down airlock
or virtuous

You should see my phone storage

do not tap on the glass

The problem is I have the confidence that I found town, but I can’t say the same regarding finding mafia, not my strongest strength apparently.

The fact that I don’t even remember those games should tell you how unfocused I used to be.

I like the Gorta train let’s take a look at who’s not voting Gorta

fair enough

Sorry what I meant to say is to not argue with Italy about him sussing you or you sussing him because I’ve honestly just skipped past over them and wanted your knowledge on something so we can have fun!!!

Eleven total players aren’t voting Gorta, yourself included.

Btw Silviu you can stop pocketing me

sits comfortably in pocket preparing to sleep

I don’t appreciate you like at all

we are a society built on insanity

If you start picking fights with anyone, you will run out of allies

i think gorta has done nothing this game except an extremely bad take
dummyposting is not scumposting
killing gorta will achieve nothing, the risk reward is much worse than other people

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Sadly that’s kinda the norm because he’s busy with life :(

You’re still in my town core dw