Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

VOTE: Magnus
he reset the votecount

This last-minute pop-in clears May for me, unless partnered with Neon. May could’ve stayed quiet a minute longer and let a town die without any blood on their hands.

As for that actually being the case, a May/Neon scumteam, that would mean both were willing to draw attention to themselves to vote on a last minute wagon with me, and have both been misread by people. So I’m happy to say the Lol wagon was pure, thank you very much.

Reverse that.
I went from Gorta to Lol and stayed my vote there.
You went from Gorta to me to Gorta.

magnus you bounced your vote to whatever felt like would be the strongest wagon
that’s bad faith as hell

in comparison idfm and i slammed the brakes on a wagon that was going to kill a town player in favor of killing a constant slanker after noticing the cfd was botched

You have to understand you’re looking fairly poor atm, right?
13 players, assuming 4 Mafia.



Silviu200530: Probably Town.





Marluna: Probably Town.


Cape90: Town.

Neon: Probably Town.

Magnus: Town.

May: Town.

IDFM/Italy/Beancat/Jaiden/Jarek/Zorvo should have a pool of four wolves, and you and IDFM shifted your votes to cause a tie. Obviously Lol was Town, I don’t know how to work with that, but since Gorta was effectively Town anyway (for the sake of wagon analysis), I think I can use that point if you can.

“Putting the brakes on.” Taking a scenic detour.

there you go again with “looking bad”
i didn’t go for the option that made me look better
i went for the option that was better for the town

Scummy behaviour can come from scummy players.
You didn’t explain why Lol was Town, I explained why I thought Lol was bad and was a better flip than Gorta, I voted him along with three other players. IDFM simply followed your vote.

he was already a gorta voter
he joined me on the cfd
when it went wrong he went back
i fail to see the complications

would you also like to ignore the part where i pinged him after voting

Your post came after he already voted.

by a literal second

So back to this


i already knew he was going to follow me
gorta was very obviously the better pick

What information did you get from Gorta’s flip?
I’m gauging info from the gamestate and surrounding circumstances.


gorta was a hard slanker regardless of alignment
lol would at least be readable later, gorta would just tale up a lynch before lylo

Would you agree with me saying that May is very probably Town, Neon? Just to check my reasoning, since the only way I can see w!May as a possibility is if they’re partnered with you.

That doesn’t explain why you thought Lol was Town, though.