Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

i do want to push magnus because i didn’t like his eod
the silviu rolefish fiasco was an entirely different topic between magnus and i
fortunately i am inconsistent enough in attitude to claim i’m bipolar

Is it just me or does this feel like rolefishing and/or Magnus/Marluna being alligned at the same time? It’s not just me right?

This is just actively baiting a town killing ( a powerful town role that could attack mafia ) into claiming and getting taken out by mafia. And how does that make Marluna any more legitimate? Why would a town killing shoot Marluna if they are exactly what they claim? That’s counterproductive

I don’t get it this feels slimy magnus why does this feel slimy

VOTE: Magnus

misreads conversation to be about magnus rolefishing
corrected that the conversation was about silviu
find a post of magnus rolefishing yourself

power move

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Maybe I was just sub-conciously suspicious of that post the entire time and assumed you saw the same thing…

I’m just really insanely intelligent what can I say

A) I was expecting a Town Killing to shoot Marluna last night, and the fact that didn’t happen makes me believe there isn’t another one. Under no circumstances would I expect another to reveal, and if they want us to know of their existence they can shoot anyone at all.
B) Marluna’s role cannot be executed before XYLO, but can be killed at night. I don’t know exactly how this role works, but you can see how this role could interact with Lol’s dayvig (from a mechanical viewpoint). I’m just speculating of the nature of the setup.
C) Let’s imagine Lol fired at Marluna: what would happen? She’s claiming miller, which falsely registers as Mafia, so Lol wouldn’t die. Marluna’s claiming Hollow Man, immune to death during the day (I think), so Marluna wouldn’t die. The shot would process, but nobody would die. It’s an interesting interaction and it makes me inclined to believe the Hosts would be fine to add it.

marluna is claiming lynchproof miller
not whatever you’re saying

Bro I swear wolves seem to resort to the “well some villagers that died also town read me” route when accused of being a wolf from sus from dead villagers.

Like remember the game where I caught Rue and OutedWolf day 1. Yeah, Rue used that.

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Why would they? A mislynch immune role is powerful for town. There’s no reason to immediately jump the gun and kill them yet.

I think they specifically claimed to be a hollow man which according to the wiki post on it dies if anyone ever investigates them - It makes the miller claim in context make sense as it dissuades any investigatives from bothering, but it doesn’t neccessarily mean anything further. They could have made this up or are a mafia hollow man - I don’t think they’d interact in this way given that.

I know someone claimed to be a hollow man I’m not sure who but it definitely was someone.

You were saying?

Yeah so they’re not a miller

the reason i call something a “textbook wolf interaction” is because most people will have an instinctive reaction to being pushed a certain way

well fuck

hold on i need to close the seven gazillion screenshots took an hour ago

I’m guessing it’s a modified version of the Hollow Man role to make it more fun to play as.
Dying if someone checks your alignment or whatever isn’t fun, so making you a miller keeps the general gist of the role without weakening you further.

I mean saying you’re a miller is easier to explain than “I’m a hollow man here’s a wiki article lol”

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Mainly because we have no way of resolving Marluna’s alignment ever, and if you’re going to resolve her you’ll have to do it at night. But you’re right, there’s not necessarily a reason to do it just yet.

I also explained what my role did instead of linking the article.
Feels more involved this way, especially when it doesn’t work exactly the same way as the wiki says.

In all honesty, who comes up with ‘Hollow Man’ as a fakeclaim?