Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Exactly for this reason, because a Miller is a bit too obvious and a hollow man is essentially a more roundabout way of saying it.

I mean if they get checked and their claim gets called out they die anyway. It’s essentially achieving the same effect.

I’m not saying it’s fake per say but I’m playing devils advocate to the fact that claiming a role doesn’t mean you’re immediately proven and cannot be fake. That’s just setting up for failure

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If Marluna was lying about being a Miller because she didn’t want to get checked… but was willing to claim immune to execution anyway… and her role name… why bother?

Are you saying she just changed her mind when I asked about her role name, or…?

Don’t get me wrong, that’s not why I’m saying Marluna’s good. I’m mech speculating again, just like I did in UFO about a nonexistent arsonist. Remember how well it went that time? Yeah…

No I’m saying that being execution immune is powerful for a mafia to have. If a potential mafia wanted to exploit that to it’s fullest potential they could paint themselves as a “completely honest townie” who is willing to “test” themselves by getting executed.

People see they survived an execution, they think the rest of the claim is real too and it achieves the desired affect of making investigatives avoid them like the plague.

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I’m saying people aren’t clear just because the role name sounds funky

If I came out swinging with a 3-shot vig immune frail gobbledigook you shouldn’t just believe me because I’m pretending I have no idea what said role is, searching a FM wiki for a few roles and going “oh I like the sounds of that” isn’t terribly difficult albiet I honestly don’t expect many people to do it

and yeah that last bit is me trying to tell myself the same thing too :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, I get what you’re saying. Claim Hollow Man so you aren’t scrutinised, tweak the specifics so you aren’t killed anyway. Yeah, my whole idea about the dayvig doesn’t actually point towards Marluna’s alignment, it mainly discusses the possibility about her role actually existing.

This is the reason why Marluna should be resolved at night.

Is this an actual theoretical role? I’ve never heard of gobbledigook.
Sounds like something that could’ve come from Gravity Falls.

no i made it up

I am very talented

That’s actually what I did, fakeclaiming vanillaiser (a confirmable role) in ‘80s. I just felt like it.

Mafia read on IDFM: I dont think so, though they very extensively pocketed me which makes me paranoid. Also, IDFM is only like a light town so.

Mafia read on you: No, definitely not. I guess it depends how powerful your wolf game is I guess, but I really think you are town.

Uh, Italy is not paired with IDFM with how weird they have been with them. In general feels more free flowing in terms of susses then I would assume mafia would be, like if Italy was mafia, I would expect them to just still be on the whole IDFM train (since I already pointed out I don’t think they are paired).

May townread they had was good. They expressed that for a brief moment #2131

In terms of their Eliza scumread… I guess? (maybe they expressed this idk)

Other then a light lemonfairy scumread there isn’t much else I really saw in terms of Italy’s reads.

I think town that’s being odd, but it could just be scum

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Do you think Magnus’ EOD felt too jumpy?

So if Magnus was rolefishing, why go after someone else who was also practically AFK?

scroll down 2 posts

all i felt from him was “i want to be on the leading wagon”

i have become jarek


“I want to be on the leading wagon.”
Jumps from the leading wagon I was already on, Gorta, to Lol (someone only Neon had voted, two seconds earlier).