Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Clearing up what you and may tried to tie up the vote on lol last second

I can buy it.

And you’re deflecting it hard today

Who do you think we were trying to save. Gorta?

If i were town the first thing I would’ve done is apologize for tying up the vote

Everything I do is funny and cute and so epic and crucially secretly a step in my elaborate plan to completely solve the game by D3 I will never apologize

I voted Gorta, and he turns out to be a 3p. This is considerably better than voting a day kill town vig

Yea not buying it May. That’s exactly what scum would say.

Let’s get this Magnus train started.

FM it feels as if you are going off of solely the material consequences of a vote to an omniscient party rather than considering the information that townies or wolves would have had at the time. Even the wolves would not know that lol was a daykill town vig or that Gorta was a 3P. For vote count analysis reasons they are the same as any other townie.

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Perspective slip.

I didn’t try to tie the vote, I just tried to get Lol voted. I didn’t think there was a reason to execute Gorta, votes were everywhere, Italy suggested a CFD and I made my move.
Lol’s dead anyway, so…

Cape: mechcleared.
May: voted at the last moment when the votes were between Gorta/Lol/Neon, why would May pop in fypov? Just let it rand and get off scot-free as wolf.

Nope, you and Magnus wagon jumping last min tells me everything I need to know how opportunistically wolfish you are

everyone wants to be a dybudabu

The fact that Magnus got off the Eliza train in the first place tells me everything I need to know

Your quotes literally mean nothing here. I’m asking YOU why you tried to tie up the vote last second.

If i were mafia I would kill lol to silence him from talking about the wagon.

Magnus = terrible wolf
Eliza = obvious wolf
May = trying to hard not to be wolf

Listen. I know in my head that this cannot be a real argument that someone is making. I know in my head that this is clearly bait and you’re baiting me because nobody would actually believe this. But in my heart I carry a deep and terrible burden: I cannot stand to see people wrong on the internet. And to that burden I will succumb.

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I’m trying really hard not to be wolf. So hard that I bribed the hosts with a $5 Starbucks gift card so that I was literally incapable of randing it at the start of the game, and also secondarily invoking dark magic to rig the rand so that I’ve rolled town for 15 games straight. They had to share the gift card BTW they only got $2.50 each