Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

I might desperado Eliza, would have to think about it

Sometimes, you register as Evil.

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Yep. For everything.

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there is a very powerful difference between recluse/spy and conventional millers/godfathers though

oh i thought it was just the “if i had one” part

joke ruined

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towny though

I’m trying to type a response, but I’m getting easily distracted.
I’ll just say that there’s almost certainly an active, probably miscleared, evil (given the Lemon kill, what’s up with that?), and you only have a few scumreads.

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“registers as evil” is getting shot by the hunter and dying because you registered as the demon
“appears as evil” is getting copped and subsequently mobbed because you came up red

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I really hope this is a redcheck that’d be badass.


The real ones fakeclaim as Miller and push to get the cop who found them executed.

Magnus you are a disgusting player. Switched wagons repeatedly and even tried to tie up the vote on lol. Him flipping green DOES NOT CLEAR YOU. Are we going to be blind that Magnus tried to vote lol at the last second?

VOTE: Magnus

I was planning to play dumb as good also. Because I thought it would be really funny. But it was also effective when I was evil because obviously that makes it easier to bluff roles if you look like a dumbass but understand exactly the intricacies of how Dreamer works.

Now on the very last day when we were down to three players and our victory was all but sealed I may or may not have claimed to have investigated myself and nearly blew the whole thing open because that’s like one of two things on the rolecard but I managed to get away with it by invoking the “well the silly funny rule breaking GM let us do it”. Which speaks to how tightly hte rest of the game was played if I could afford to mess it up that bad shoutout to my teammates

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May and Magnus voted together by the way



I’m laying my cards out on the table whenever I can. I can see the benefit of hiding info as Town, but I can’t play like May and blatantly lie about everything (and still obvtown, somehow).

Hard to believe you’re claiming a town power role that doesn’t let you vote whcaracters

So my thought process: May/Magnus/Cape or


@Italy @Neon @Jarek


Is this AtE? I hope it’s not AtE.
Could you explain exactly what you meant by your TMI argument? It seemed a bit dodgy in the moment and even moreso now, so clearing that up would help us out a lot.

Looks like a dumbass, thinks they’re a secret genius, actually underneath that a dumbass