Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

what’s so toxic about this thread

I mean if you think I’m mafia just put your vote on me already, lol

Vote out magnus once I flip.

Simple as that.

Alright, we’re not doing the readlist trick to solve, whatever, that’s a shortcut anyway. Let’s go about things the long route, then. VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

Hi. Who’s evil. Let’s kill them.

Not to imply that it’s your fault my readlist didn’t work, that’s on me because I got impatient and didn’t bother to 1. write it in a coherent state and 2. present it as legitimate. It was legitimate, but only because of the incoherent state.

I had to take a breather, walking home with my younger sister, a wonderful delight of a human being. I’m back, but not to play ball. I’m going to respond to May’s readlist, as he clearly wanted someone to do, and I said I would.
(I’ve been writing this an hour.)

Whatever’s going on, I hope you start to feel better soon. You’re alright if you need to take a break at any time, nobody’s going to hold it against you.
I know this readlist’s short for brevity, so I’m mainly going to double-check your specific reads against my own.

I understand this read. You believe Italy is socially acting Town, outspoken with his opinions and yada yada. I can agree with this; fmpov, where my reads often come from “form opinion of person > justify said opinion”, Italy’s thoughts seem just fine, and I only have problems with his behaviour because I disagree with them.
My only reservation is that I can’t remember a game I’ve played with Italy, I don’t know how he plays as either alignment, and people were saying Vulgard was Town for much the same reason in GOAT^2. Is Italy good enough at the game to fake this? I’d just like to know his meta, from anyone who’s played with him. There’s also the fact that Lemon was scumreading Italy, and there’s therefore a possible justification for why that kill happened (in conjunction with my belief that highposters are more likely to kill lowposters than other low-posters, but y’know).
Italy’s not even a highposter, actually. He’s in the mid-range, although his posts typically seem to have more than enough content, so I think it’s pretty much the same thing.

Sorry for interfering with your experiment. I didn’t really want my claim to get lost in the flood of posts, and since you were testing specifically Zorvo, I figured I’d bring it up. I was looking for an excuse, and it didn’t really occur to me you were reactiontesting him. I just figured May were testing Zorvo and vice versa.
I’m thinking that might have been the reason you weren’t attacked, actually? :thinking: Maybe Mafia assumed you’d continue to push Zorvo or whatever? Eh, whatever. I’m not definite on v!Zorvo, although I think it’s more likely than not. I’ll probably decide on whether to move him to a solid townread or tomorrow, although his SOD1 behaviour reminded me of… myself, in ‘80s SOD, and Leafia in Morbtainado SOD1. Joking around to settle your nerves, feeling frayed once pressure’s put on you. But it’s also Zorvo; I think people tend to exaggerate how chaotic he plays, but I don’t think he plays similarly to most people, either.

You played together in Flicker.
Jarek’s strategy in UFO, as a wolf, was to mimic his towngame and make whatever moves he needed to make to get himself townread. This included factional killing another evil, so take your typical analysis with a grain of salt regarding his slot. Jarek defies Mafia conventions.
In defence of your read, Jarek wasn’t really under any pressure in UFO, save for one slip Achro caught on the first day, though; I can’t predict how w!Jarek would react to being accused so early.

The Empath. That’s your permanent archetype.
I’ve shared my reasoning for townclearing May; popping in at the last moment of SOD1, thus drawing attention to themselves, and specifically voting Lol to shift the votes from a Gorta/Neon/Lol triangle, which seems to be V/V/V (for the sake of wagon analysis).
I can’t wait for your wolfgame to just be “May’s making a lot of sense… almost too much sense”. I think that would be really funny.

I don’t have any good reason to feel strongly about Jaiden in either direction. I tried testing her on the first day, and she didn’t respond until after I dropped it. You’re comparing her behaviour to your own behaviour, which makes this almost entirely a viberead. Nothing wrong with that, I’d like to get ahold of Jaiden’s slot sooner rather than later.
Can we maybe not misexe v!Jaiden this game, if at all possible?

My mind is a piano. I’ll let you decide what that means.

Says Neon’s Town or Mafia?
I do think Neon’s good, although I’m not ‘as’ confident in that read as either May or Cape (obviously). Neon was in the thread very briefly earlier, but I didn’t even remember that until I checked her ISO a minute ago. I only checked Neon’s “best” wolfgame, linked earlier, and I noticed she had a habit of occasionally fading out of the public eye (although she did have a valid reason then, so I don’t know if it’s AI).
I think Neon’s Town, but I also want to see more of her? Maybe Neon’s struggling to find slime gifs, and that all what’s taking her so long.

Fair enough. I’m of a similar view; I just nulltown Eliza. I think that’s all that needs to be said.

I assigned Cape the “Detective” archetype in my classcard, for much the same reason. While May’s balancing knowledge with wisdom, so to speak, Cape’s applying deduction. I believed him Town for his D1 votes, and Lol’s shot on him just confbiased Cape as Town for me (as opposed to being neutral or whatever). I did mention this between Lol’s shot and flip, if you’re wondering.

I don’t think it matters. IDFM’s selectively reading the thread, building his entire worldview around me being Mafia and refusing to accept any other possibility, barely elaborating on any of the concerns people have against him… I wanted w!FRink to be eliminated in UFO, but other players dismissed my concerns because “this other evil TMI’d FRink Town”, and “an evil wouldn’t act so obviously evil”. So what am I supposed to think about people (cough Silviu) for townreading IDFM for exactly this reason, “acting too chaotic to be evil”?

Silviu’s confirmed as a Messenger. How plausible is a Mafia Messenger, exactly?
Setting that aside, I want Silviu to explain their a few of their reads better. Actually, I’d like to know Silviu’s whole readlist, if that’s possible. I don’t think they’ve posted one yet.

Marluna’s a difficult person to read, at times. Jarek explained a few things earlier and I can understand any reservations people have. We’ll see if she can be resolved at night, some night, if we have another town killing (not rolefishing, you know better than to claim publicly); otherwise we’ll have to put our heads together.

Beancat’s vote is the reason I’m not already voting IDFM, although I’m going to consolidate unless someone comes up with something better. Beancat’s D1’s commentary on Eliza’s ISO looked good to me, I’m happiest with her spontaneous defence of voting Gorta’s slot than Italy or IDFM… although she did say this afterward:

I’m guessing Bean was saying the role, killing a neutral protective, wasn’t a good role to kill, since Bean was on-board with the wagon in the first place. I think that makes sense? Surely Bean’s not trying to suggest she wasn’t on-board with the vote, because that would look bad.

And that’s it. Fin.

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Oh. Sorry I responded this late.

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No worries, your commentary is still greatly appreciated! Thank you for going into so much detail, it ensures my effort (“effort” meaning closing my eyes and my mind and typing out nonsense onto the screen, but effort nonetheless) isn’t wasted.

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Horrible take.

Any other people want to hammer this so we can get it over with

You know I don’t understand why you want a deayh wish on magnus. What did he do?

Magnus tried to tie up the vote on Lol

For no reason at all

Your five, colourised.

And beancat is never here

Colors mean nothing.

Fine, Magnus. You win. I’ll vote out your scum partner instead.


I’ve been informed that hammering is -EV. Asking to be hammered isn’t town indicative, either.
Asking to be hammered only hurts Town.

I’ve already explained why this is incorrect.