Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Explain it to me concisely, You’ve only ever been using fluffs on quotes.

And yeah, from what I’ve seen of my own wolfgame, which is assorted shortform games, almost-mafia, weird 3P roles, and a lot of amongus, I put a lot more focus on explaining myself out there. I’ve got this specific tone I use where I just, like… directly explain out my own logic. It’s very effective in amongus because you take control of the whole meeting… until someone goes “May’s impostor voicing again” and I get voted out immediately, because I’m impostor voicing again.

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and I get voted out immediately, because I’m impostor voicing again.

Precisely what you are doing here

It’s a heat map.
From warm to cool colours.

Couple questions.

  1. Do you believe Neon is Town? This is relevant, because the tied wagons at EOD were Gorta/Lol/Neon.
  2. Do you believe w!May has a reason to not let this rand, if Neon’s Town fypov?

I’ve been informed that hammering is -EV. Asking to be hammered isn’t town indicative, either.
Asking to be hammered only hurts Town.

Wrong. If I flip town, you’re outed along with May.

  1. Neon probably isn’t town considering how hesitant they are to vote me (they dont want this wagon on me to be pure)

  2. May has literally been all over the place saying fluff.

Not at all? You’re not critically explaining your reasoning, you’re shouting at the masses and hopes someone picks up on what you’re trying to say. At least try not making stuff up.

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You could not possibly compare your experience to the vast corpus of data the people I’ve been playing Among Us with every Thursday for a year and a half have on me. Everyone should have a group of people they do this with so you can catch them immediately from how they talk in meetings or where the kills were placed. It’s so funny

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Boohoo it’s mafia and you expect me not to try to win for Town?

@Magnus how about this, tell me to vote for someone else and I’ll keep my vote on them. If you don’t believe I’m town, this should at least let you hammer a w!teammate that I have, right? If I’m wolf here I’m giving you free permission to vote any of my teammates, which is arguably a braindead play that scum would never do.

But y tho?

Listen up Magnus, you can have my vote.

Anddd he’s going

Among Us tryhard lobbies. Probably the only way to keep the game fun.

I’m kinda getting this feeling you believe you’re significantly better at this game than everyone else here, and that gives you a reason to mock people. And yet your reads are wrong, you’re building worlds against one specific person, yada yada.

Oh you’re going to think long and hard on this one buddy

I just realized how useful Lols role would have been in confirming miller… holy shit what a waste.


This feels like such a red flag, saying “hey look! I can’t be Mafia because then I would never do this!” When the whole purpose of playing as Mafia is to act Town, so why wouldn’t you do something “Mafia would supposedly never do”? I don’t get why you’d say this part as either alignment.
But sure, I’ll take your offer. Vote Jaiden if you’re being genuine. I think that works.

Agreed, Lol could’ve found better use confirming someone else. He didn’t even bother defending himself EoD.

VOTE: Jaiden