Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

lol straight up shot a random person the first chance he got today
someone who does that doesnt want to play the game
…also by the time of that shot i didnt really sr you anymore

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no i was just wearing a blindfold bc i have today off and for some reason my brain went “you should just not see for a day”
hence why that would be thinking highly of me

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I was going to joke about listening to the thread with TTS while blindfolded, and see how that works out for you, although if you changed your mind that’s fine too.
Hypothetically, if the desperado shot had been up to you, Jaiden, who would you have wanted to shoot? I was thinking Marluna would be the best mechanical shot, but socially I’d want to shoot a socially active player whose alignment’s up in the air, so… Zorvo, since there’s confusion regarding his slot but he’s fairly active, and a player typically hard to read?

I keep looking at this thread out the corner of my eye and thinking someone’s posted because I noticed movement, but it’s always just the deadline.

i wouldnt of used it?
i have my reads but they have a tendency to be very volatile
it would not make sense for me to use it right now

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Right, of course. That was an option.

I was actually thinking of Minority Report around the time you first mentioned a blindfold in thread.

Brb gonna go to jail for murder irl


for legal purposes this is mostly a joke

I’m bored


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Magnus being equipped with glasses has spotted something SUS

I wear glasses to correct my vision. I can’t be the only person to have seen anything.

Sorry but I find the way this to be worded is funny.
Looks like your saying that there is at least 1 wolf in that list yet your saying “if I flip wolf” which would apply the 1 wolf would be me.

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Is your eyesight able to be healed? You can say I am technically a person with a disability (my left eye)

You weren’t “randomly” I started prior suspicion to your slot yesterday.

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I know laser treatment is a thing, but I’m not aware of how the procedure works, nor would I particularly be interested in being blinded for two days afterward.

My malformed eyesight developed fully and I am unable to get laser treatment.

I am cursed with glasses for the rest of my life

(This is the cue where you shower me with hugs like I said something heartbreaking)

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I know my eyesight’s pretty poor, although I couldn’t tell you exactly how poor.