Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Your named after a country

city but who’s counting

And for some reason I said your instead of you’re again

Good night

Stands for “The Impostor”, naturally.

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“jester” meaning “evil that needs to die”

I’ve seen mafia roles that do something when executed

Silviu is mafia

You caught me.
I’m the Serial Arsonist Werewolf.

No but why do you find me odd again?
I’m not solving enough? Lol

I’ve provided meta, if you missed it I can provide it again.
I’m in my town meta here.

That’s false.
I’ve improved.

Explain Italy and Silviu again?

I lied about popping into the thread during the Night, I just collapsed. Here’s my catchup wall:

Jester is considered a bastard role and this is a non-bastard game.

It’s not necessarily scum indicative, but it might sometimes be AI. Depending on general context, like disappearing when you are known to have important information to share.

I do think killing LHF can be advantageous, if they’re going to be perpetual POE and possibly misexed down the line.

I guess this applies in the short-term, yeah.

This is correct, although I tend to use it as a blanket term for anyone who’d be easily misexed.

Gorta actually had a few posts less than Lol. Around three less or so, if I’ve counted correctly.
Is your point that Beancat is town by association? We’re both the highest posters, but that doesn’t mean we townread each other atm.

And you wonder why the gamestate’s toxic.

You’re correct. I’m claiming Semi-Priest. The difference is that I have the ability to cast deciding votes on most people, as opposed to no people.

Cape is confirmed as not Mafia.

I’m not a deepwolf just because players townread me.

Yeah, that’s technically correct. Although Zorvo did place you into his POE of five, earlier, so it doesn’t come from nowhere.

Turns out it wasn’t actually a greencheck, btw.
I misunderstood my role.

Maybe I’m being pocketed.

Postcount as of P#2677

I_Dislike_FM (4): beancat, Cape90, Jarek, May
Magnus (1): Italy
Jaiden (1): Zorvo
Jarek (1): ElizaThePsycho
May (1): I_Dislike_FM

Not Voting (5): Magnus, Marluna, Silviu200530, Jaiden, Neon

I wasn’t going to tell you to cast a new vote when you offered to vote someone for the rest of the day, I had to assume you wouldn’t shift your vote whatsoever. Therefore, I had you vote Jaiden because there’s no reason to actually vote anyone. The fact that you did change from Jaiden to Zorvo might be indicative of something if you’re scum, although I’m not entirely sure what.

In order to find wolves, you need to interact with Town to narrow your pool of suspects. Why else am I townreading May or Neon?

There are probably three people to defend everyone from you, if I’m being honest. You don’t make it about Town/Mafia.

I would quote when I unvoted Eliza, but I literally never voted Eliza in the first place. I nulltowned Eliza a while back.

Town can perform a certain number of misexes before losing. The fact is that you have a relatively high chance of flipping Mafia compared to anyone else here, and if you’re Town you aren’t exactly helping out by laying false trails. Are you an executioner?

Please don’t hammer. It’s antitown.

When in doubt, look at the best infoflips.

…Probably. At some point or another, since players are shading your slot. I also think you’re the type of player wolves can build a case on and look relatively good while doing it, so in worlds where you’re Town they’re going to look at you as their primary scumread you, not kill you, and hope Town does it during the day. Especially if you’ll be pushing a villager, which is probably guaranteed given your POE of five, four Mafia, and one flipped neut.

This is a good take.

I cased a lot of players on the first day, because it provides pressure and lets their behaviour explain for itself. Reading through my ISO, though, I originally nulltowned Gorta and later said this before voting, so you’re probably misremembering.

Is it standard practice to add a Godfather and a Miller into the same game? I suppose it could be a way to weaken any alignment cops (or the equivalent) we have running around, but since that just makes a simple role unfun to play… and besides, Italy explained earlier how Godfathers and Millers only appear as the other faction to investigatives, they don’t register as one for the sake of game mechanics. Even if Cape was Godfather, he should’ve been killed.

I second this motion. Ban the selfvote agenda.
Although I have no idea why IDFM’s asking to be hammered (if he’s gamethrowing), but not voting himself. I think he’s putting on an act.

You can click on someone’s name and click the grey box under messages, which shows their posts in isolation. You can also click the person icon in their post menu, next to the heart icon.

I didn’t do this. Cape said he thought I did. If I’m wrong, please link to a post in which I wolfcased Gorta and encouraged everyone to vote for him.

You voted me because Italy voted me, leaving me with two votes and both tied votes were at three votes each. Italy then voted Gorta, bringing it to a three-way tie momentarily.
May actually broke the tie, bringing Lol one vote higher than everyone else, but then Italy and you went back on Gorta.

If you’re going to say this because I asked “do you townread Lol”, I could say you also TMI’ed Lol Town with this post:

You also forgot about this when you returned to the thread, until I brought it up again… whereas a villager with this on their mind would’ve quoted it in their initial post, I think.

But… I pushed for a Lol wagon more strongly, and he wasn’t my teammate either.

You’re saying my teammates were Eliza/Cape. Let’s ignore the plotholes with this world and focus on the extenuating circumstances, which you seem to care more strongly about.
Eliza was the first on the Gorta vote (maybe not chronologically, but given the VC it means she was committed enough to stay on the wagon without moving her vote elsewhere or anything).
Cape cased Eliza as a light scumread for said Gorta case, and voted Lol earlier before I moved my vote to Gorta (this happened a few hours before EOD to my recollection, it doesn’t mean I was fip-flopping.
So if Cape voted Lol, and Eliza voted Gorta, why wouldn’t I just be happy to accept either dying?

You’ve already committed to scumreading me, and I’m not even voting you in the first place.
I was voting Zorvo for pressure reasons and unvoted when you voted him.

Okay, this is bugging me. Can anyone find when I supposedly voted Eliza on the first day?

Goes from calling Cape “not confirmed Town” after a desperado shot, calls him Town anyway. Can’t keep his story straight, wolf indicative.

This literally never happens, even if IDFM was Town and completely correct. Which he isn’t, so it’s even less likely.

And now he’s softing a fake redcheck on me, but didn’t come out with this on the first day. Was casing me on the first day, still using weak first day arguments against me instead of saying “yo, this person’s evil. Here’s my mech info.”
If you disagree, anyone reading this, what would you have done with a n1 redcheck on someone you already scumread, but has more influence in the thread than you?

Remember when IDFM was asking people to hammer him, but didn’t selfvote and now retracts that? It was all an act, because he figured we’d assume a wolf wouldn’t ask to die and he’d survive. Even if you scumread me independently, is there ever a reason not to vote him out first?
By the way, I don’t think IDFM and Silviu are Mafia paired. I’d like to think they’d have this conversation in scumchat if so, and in conjunction with Silviu’s claim I think that’s somewhat fair to say.

You definitely shouldn’t trust IDFM’s word. I know this because my own alignment’s known to me and he’s softing a redcheck. You’re free to vote where you will, but I’m not sure why you think an evil can’t possibly act chaotic.

IDFM turned during the first day, before any info a TI would get. Not sure how any of this links up, sorry.

I’ve lightly unpaired them because evils shouldn’t want to appear so associated as this, although following my own logic you should keep the possibility in mind. Yep, I know “Town considers probabilities, Mafia thrives in possibilities”, but I don’t see why we can’t use both.

How would this function as a role, just for fun?

I agree with Eliza but I’m not convinced on Magnus.

I know Magnus does questionable things as town.
We were both town in a game and every other post the dude made I found wolfy and made it clear I wolf read him.

So I read him in a different way now to see if I can be more accurate on him.

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In my defence, I was very rusty for Morbtainado. It was my first game in however long.

Where do you think he came from?
I went back in time and brought me here.

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When he dies he’s probably going to DM me asking why I didn’t save him and he will get banned again for OC.

Nah but back in the day when I first played FM I legit DM’ed players after I died lol.

I just want to kill IHFM not because I think they’re a wolf neccessarily but I just don’t appreciate the chaotic nature, they’re clearly not willing to listen to anyones reasoning but their own and a townie with that mindset surviving until later on is dangerous if they’re a wolf awesome if not well resolve this before it becomes a problem later


Well, there’s a way to sink your reputation. You’re still answering for the sins of your past.