Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

I just got on and it’s raining and going to make I gtg, phone wet

To be fair town can lie. I just want answers.

he used it to defend both you and zorvo and you sod2 were hard defending magnus like zorvo

youre in hot water too buddy


no response cool

They aren’t even defending me, I even pointed out why it isn’t a defense and why I or anyone else they claim to defend could be voted out, Magnys didn’t really achnowledge it but I absolutely still pointed it out


“if you execute jarek today my vote will stop working” yep no defense there

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Well they are defending me but I pointed out why that defense is bullshit.

Which I wouldn’t do if it was a proper defense.

he also tried to use it as a greencheck on zorvo d1 and then backed out of it

In a game of mafia, everyone believes the liar. Oh what irony.

The honest man is the crazy one.

not defending magnus here yepyep

You aren’t baiting me into voting Magnus out of spite to prove you wrong. Don’t even try it.

How is Magnus a liar?

thats not my goal at all
im making a case against you

also youre voting magnus

It’s not a good case because it relies on magnus flipping as a wolf and he won’t

do you think if magnus were defending all the wolves conveniently with his claim that he’d be at 5 votes and would be so careless with his claim right now

Yeah because I wanted to pressure him out of that lie he told but you’re making me reveal my plan and it’s not going to work any more so this is utterly pointless

VOTE: I_Dislike_FM

my case is you are buddies with him