Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

You need to get people to listen you, don’t go full passive-aggressive, that’s not going to do you favors

Looking very towny here cape, very towny.

there is another doctor?

something is up

let me deconstruct this role for you
“odd night slank doctor”
everyone knows doctor
you pick a person, they don’t die when they do the die
odd night is pretty self explanatory
you can only use your ability on nights 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, etc
slank is an interesting one though
it’s really up to how the host designs it
since it’s usually used on vigs, the most common ones are if they have below 50 posts in a day, below 50 posts times the day, or are a bottom poster (usually 3)

this is basically a guaranteed town role as mafia would usually just have, by virtue of often getting more powerful roles to compensate for lesser numbers

a fucking doctor

Let’s tunnel on the one guy with a claim. Let’s ignore the other people in this game.

If you consider CPR doctor a protective role I’m about to show you why it’s not

I think your putting words in my mouth.

cpr doctor kills the target if they don’t otherwise die that night
finnicky role

I don’t remember Neon doing something like that

Also this site is the most frustrating experience on mobile

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okay i have no idea what the role is :wowee:



Given the Zorvo/Neon/Jaiden triangle, and my belief that a member of the mafia is in the top 1/3rd posters, it’s probably just either Zorvo or Neon in all honesty. Removing Jaiden from the immediate pool actually makes sense.

You literally claimed to have information and wouldn’t say anything about it because “mafia would twist it” I’m assuming it’s a check.

If it’s not, good for you.

I kill people who don’t need my protection so I can pick people who I don’t like and they’ll either (luckily) get attacked by mafia or die

@italy who are your scum picks, I’ll vote with you.

Neon claimed having a secret read.

That sounds like a check.

Man why did you wink wink said you know something special about Magnus mechnically when you’re actually a doctor


I feel like I’ve heard this before… where have I heard this before