Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

This isn’t entirely serious, but I remember having a really similar feeling in Valorant… all the wagons just felt wrong, nothing made any sense, I couldn’t put any pieces together… and while a lot of that was the fact that I only survived one day, this game parallels it a lot. “The collective vibes” aren’t hard evidence, but there’s something up here, especially with the kills.

Wouldn’t suprise me tbh

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Well there was no kills last night that one was mine for whatever reason, unless we live in a very specific world where I got roleblocked and mafia killed eliza anyway

i was guessing it was a joke post

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Or maybe you’re a wolf and you used your nightkill on Eliza so you could claim it was your CPR doctor one.

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It was a reference to this.

Notice how I’m not considering that world because I know it’s impossible

anyway yeah I guess that’s a possibility for you.

Maybe, also the thing about Zorvo was he was deflecting off both Magnus and IDFM onto Neon who is a confirmed mafia

Silviu got to post one message through the mods, which they used on D2. They claim it was 1-shot, and that they are vanilla otherwise.

i forgot about the modpost thing

Magnus claim bothers me purely because it’s just a jailkeeper. Every other role in this game seems to have some kind of condition. Just having an ability outright seems fake.

Is that just me?


youve not claimed have you

Everything is out the window with Zorvo wolf.

night kills haven’t made a lot of sense to me

this means mafia is beancat


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whyd you act so opposed to magnus eod2

Alright, maybe asking some questions of everyone will help improve my understanding of the game:

  1. Ignoring socials, rank the below claims from most to least trustworthy.
  1. If you had to pick one person who you don’t consider confirmed by mechanics to locktown, who would it be?

  2. What’s your explanation for the kills last night - do you think Jarek’s claim is legitimate or not, and if you believe it’s legitimate, what stopped the mafia’s kill?

  3. Readlists? Spare readlists for a poor little Victorian orphan boy dying of influenza?

Silviu, something rubbing me the wrong way can’t recall what

It’s legitimate. Mafia kills are optional so for all I know you decided not to attack just to push me trying to imply I was fake. If I had to decide if you or Magnus would be more likely to do that I’d say Magnus, to be honest.


VOTE: Magnus

  1. As I see things, Italy & Richard > Silviu > Jaiden > Marluna > Magnus > Zorvo > Jarek, but this isn’t particularly confident, and recall that I am currently breaching my contract which told me never to do any mech spec ever again.

  2. Jaiden’s the only other one who seems to understanding exactly how maddening the circumstances of this game are. It feels like everyone else is just taking things at face value. Note that this isn’t a particularly strong trust, but all my others have some level of mechanical backing - Cape90, Italy and Richard, Silviu.

  3. My current theory for the kills is that Jarek is lying about being a CPR Doctor - instead, the mafia killed Eliza so that Jarek could claim to have CPR Doctor’d her. Otherwise, Magnus’s claim would have to be real and have stopped it, or there was another protective/roleblocker preventing it.

  4. I don’t have time to make readlists because I’m dying of influenza (I do not actually have influenza)

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Alright, new theory: Jarek/Zorvo/???, Magnus’s claim is real, Jaiden’s claim is real and Magnus is classed as a protective, last mafia is in Marluna/Beancat/potentially Silviu

Jarek, Magnus is the only person who, as currently claimed, could have stopped the hypothetical other mafia kill other than the mafia themselves, who I highly doubt would pass up on a kill on one of the many confirmed townies to throw some doubt on you. Why do you suspect them? Why do you have a complete and total lack of curiosity about what could’ve happened to that missing kill?