Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Your slot at the time was a very suspicious slot sure but I bet Neon wanted to lead a wagon of their own and appear legitimately solvey by pushing Zorvo.

Or it was distancing - at the time Zorvo wasn’t gonna be a wagon at all compared to magnus and you. Which leads me back to calling Zorvo a wolf.

It’s tough. between Zorvo and Magnus I don’t know who I’d kill more.

Could see it tbh. If what we saw is distancing between them.

When Neon voted Zorvo at the time Magnus & You were leading wagons as I say. They could easily have piled pressure onto Magnus if they wanted to L-1 him and they could have easily EASILY made a case against you if they wanted to because your slot was acting very suspiciously that even I picked up on it. I don’t know what that means - Likely that wolves were already on the wagons.

I mean could it be as simple as this?

It’s either Zorvo/Magnus who I think should die today with my vote leaning towards Zorvo. Magnus will be forced to pretend to protect me tonight if he’s a wolf lest he be held under scrutiny by the town (or change his fake-claim Again and if he does and you let him live then honestly he deserves to win

Thing is I’ve seen Zorvo hellbus their partner once, and their survival wasn’t questioned much until F3.
Town won that game.

Bleh I don’t know. I’m no good at this by myself and I’m overlooking some things for sure.

From what I’ve seen, my slot was highly antagonistic and would have been a policy lunch if the OG slot holder was still playing. I find it hard to imagine wolves wouldn’t capitalise on it and push my slot out of the game.

All I know is that I’m not a wolf, and I don’t think Zorvo is either. Maybe I was selfish for influencing the gamestate with such a fakeclaim as Semi-Priest, but I was trying to play to have fun. I can’t honestly say ‘casually’, since I woke up in the early hours of the day for each EOD.

In all honesty, I think the best course of action is execute May. The idea of setting up a Neon > May exe then misexe, while logical from a v!May viewpoint, isn’t logical from mine.

Okay, I can agree to a may exe because that’s what my night kill pick was for anyway. It was a 50/50 you saw my logic earlier so I guess I want to find out if I was on the right track


Plus I can’t be bothered decifering you two right now anyway it hurts my head.

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Just, like, the way Neon voted Zorvo doesn’t look legitimate. It looks like theatre. Zorvo was never gonna get wagonned and Neon didn’t really try to make them one either but neither did they try and push you or Richard.

Best they did was call you a liar and voted you which I guess might be you being spewed town with how dangerously close you were to being pushed out. But then they went for Zorvo so I don’t know

Can I really be spewed Town if I spew myself Mafia by fakeclaiming? As Neon knows, only wolves lie.

I mean Zorvo’s reason for voting Neon makes sense, it was oppurtunistic, but it just seemed out of the blue to point that out and voting on it. Like not like mega-evil ti’s just

it wasn’t really that out of left field for Neon to place a vote like that. It wasn’t oppurtunistic from how I’ve seen Neon play. Seems like TMI to me from Zorvo’s point of view. I dunno.

Fake-claiming doesn’t make you evil per say it’s just bleh

May had a 50% chance of being dead today and only lived because Neon made an off-hand comment about TR’ing eliza and that’s really it.

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I fakeclaimed odd immune in UFO to try and avoid being nightkilled. This game, I fakeclaimed Semi-Priest to avoid being nightkilled (is it better for an evil to kill a powerful role or a socially active player with a -EV role? That’s what I betted on), and to push my agenda.

Breaking this down for myself again:

  • Cape, Italy, and Richard are basically mech clears. I will set aside their slots for now.
  • That leaves Zorvo, Magnus, Jarek, Marluna, Silviu, Jaiden, Beancat, three of which are wolves.
  • I don’t think the mafia skipped out on their kill to frame Jarek. This means either Jarek is a wolf themselves, the kill was protected against, or a wolf was roleblocked.
  • Given Cape’s claim (or lack thereof), I’m not entirely comfortable declaring the probability space for blocked kills right now, as he’s softed a role that could’ve interfered with the kill.
  • I think at least one of Zorvo/Magnus/Jarek is probably a wolf - a combination of Neon voters, wagons yesterday, weird roleclaims…
  • Others have implied that Magnus is fakeclaiming? Nobody is being straightforward here. Nobody is putting any information on the table in a way that I can comprehend right now.

Can I ask one question to town right now? Do you all legitimately believe Jarek’s even-night CPR doctor claim, despite the fact that I’m hearing that they had already fakeclaimed it in a different game?

We knew you were lying about that when we got your rolecard after killing the singer :stuck_out_tongue:

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In your rolelist earlier, you wrote me down as Town Jailkeeper. You know this already.

And I couldn’t have even stopped that kill.