Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

If everyone just agrees on something then wolves can just act like NPC’s and agree as well and they don’t even have to try this is a fact chaos is good in moderation

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Zorvo can you respond to better lines in my iso of you. You aren’t picking any of the funny ones.


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Wait NVM I dont think so given

bean said this among other things about Italy’s claiming and you 2 being connected wolves

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What would be the point?

if bean is town, I doubt she is thinking critically about the game

I’m aware of that. That being said, if we’re in w!bean worlds they’d probably be more up to date with thread events.
Granted I might have talked myself out of a correct wolf read on bean, yet it’s there.

it really seems like to me

  1. you pushed may to shade them
  2. you pushed neon because all of the free robux cred
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I don’t know but I don’t need to understand every nook and crannny of the mafia and their roles and abilities to understand that shooting in the dark is a terrible idea.

Yeah you saved Magnus and helped kill Neon but you didn’t like, actually really help, I was always on Neon and Marluna probably trusted Magnus over Neon, and wanted someone else to go over. I would argue my vote helped influence Marluna (marluna town-read me, so they were liable to follow me)

I’m not saying your argument did NOTHING but you definitely weren’t screaming to the heavens how evil Neon was like you could have been.

Wait, free Robux?

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yeah i guess
idk im tired

How do I know you weren’t just throwing some shade on neon and didn’t expect me and marluna to decide to vote them last second like literally in the last 2 minutes

Magnus was uber fucked if me and marluna didn’t decide to do that

Bro, they do that every game and make cases like that, they are good at producing that quality of content.

But this time it’s with wolf agenda. They literally are trying super hard to get me over cause I am a threat to them and they know what I’m capable of.

Also if you need any more reason for me to be town, I literally forced neon to target me.
Notice how no one was roleblocked?
Your Welcome.

I didn’t just do you one favour on getting them executed but I did you two.


For free? Free Robux? You’re doing a giveaway? They’re free? Cape is giving away free Robux? Hey everyone Cape is giving away free Robux for free online giveaway no cost free trial Robux super cheap prices?

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Cause you are!

yeaaaah totes not a scam! yay!

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@Zorvo Forget this shit stop being a wolf Cape is giving away free Robux

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I don’t know. I know if you die for me things will be a lot clearer in terms of wagons and shit and that’s a good thing as opposed to just trusting your word

Says the one person who voted me as soon as Jarek stated intent to want to vote me.