Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

It’d be fun and I think I’m capable but RNG wouldn’t be that kind

AI Upick is an upcoming game, isn’t it?


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If it’s a thing I’m joining it

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See I actually feel like I’m becoming an actual FM player and not just dumpster trash like I used to be is that weird

I don’t want to rub my own ego here but I’m not bad at this game right

I’m gonna be honest, I barely remember anything you did in Flicker early game. Maybe because I went crazy for a little while there.
You did really well in UFO and this game though, so that’s a fair thing to say. You’re a force to be reckoned with.

I don’t remember flicker but I was probably trash because I was still new

I don’t wanna give you paranoia after last game but man would you laugh if I was an SK

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Flicker was last September… and I thought you already had FM experience before then?

My first ever FM game was dicey dungeons and after that I joined flicker I think


No I’m pretty sure I’m still considered relatively new but being new to this medium of social deduction game doesn’t mean I forget years of social deduction game experience

thank god for that.


You’d be probably doomed by default if you’re SK. I’d laugh, I wouldn’t be worried.
There’s basically never a downside to executing a Neutral killer btw, they’re just saying that because they don’t want to die. But they’re getting kills, so they always need to go anyway.

I’m not SK but I am poking fun at my joke claim at the end of last game


It was not a good claim. Min was entirely right, you were outed mechanically. At least from the Town’s perspective.

If you didn’t read mafia chat, my thought process was as follows

Everyone else has a reasonable claim and a reasonable presence except for frinkles who was kinda just there.

Rad looked townie, Min looked townie, sure they could have pushed eachother - but at worst if we get outed we play RPS and we win/lose based on that.

At best I pull a claim out of my ass that makes absolutely no sense, throws everyone into turmoil and flips all their reads on their head and they’re reeling so hard that by the time they figure it out they’ve voted badly and lost


I did parse Mafia chat. I didn’t remember it, though.

Which is what happened but even if they did figure it out and I got voted it’d have been a 2v2 tie and I’d have played RPS for the win

Basically I was just trolling

Once I died, they should’ve gone for you no matter what. Claiming neutral killing was a forced move, I get it.