Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Investigatives receive feedback. Why wouldn’t you receive feedback that you were roleblocked, just so you know the hosts didn’t forget you?

Jarek do me a favour.

Go to search

Type in key word “Silviu”

Then click in this thread

And posts said by me.

You should find it.

idk how to do that

The Stick Glass thing at the top that investigators use.

That symbol.

You click on that

It’s called a magnifying glass.

I don’t remember the name of the object

Yes that!

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It doesn’t work I give up I’m moving on I don’t care I don’t care lalalalalala

Chat I’m so tired

Would you like a pillow?


I don’t think I believe in the May world any more I think wolves are happy with this wagon because it’s a townie I think it’s Magnus/Zorvo

I would love a pillow, but unfortunately it’s more of a “tired from all the stuff I have to do” sort of exhaustion, and so I cannot afford myself one :(

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you are welcome
sincerely, forum resident black magician


Hi Italy. Do you have any opinions or are you just going to coast on a rolecop claim

I hate being paranoid.

i’m going to procrastinate actually making reads until it is logically impossible to properly do them and i cannot do them in a reasonable timeframe to make them well

because i hate reading

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Who would’ve thought ignoring your responsibilities leads to you having to do more later, and who would’ve thought stress leads to a generally decreased quality of life which goes on to beget more stress and more decreased quality of life. I’m learning all this for the first time ever, I’ve never done this to myself before, ever

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i’m usually here to shoot down your ideas for you if you’re worried they may be particularly dumb though

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Magnus/Zorvo/Neon. Me taking charge earlier, Zorvo taking charge later.
Me and Zorvo taking opposite viewpoints on Neon. Directing the narrative.
It’d make a good story, but it’s not real.