Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Saying it’s not real doesn’t make it not real

Seeing is believing. I’ve seen my rolecard.

Make a readlist based on nothing that’s AI.

you have glasses

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they shine bright enough to hide your eyes whenever you push them up, a telltale sign of evilness

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Helpful diagram.

To be clear, I’m not saying any of this stress is game-related, because it isn’t, it’s solely my poor time management causing this. These comments are completely unrelated to anything going on here. I just like to fill the game thread with unrelated fluff on occasion, for my own entertainment.

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ok why aren’t you a wolf

Because I bribed the hosts at the start of the game.




In that case, then you definitely aren’t a wolf with May and Silviu. I don’t see why Neon would tie 2 of their buddies together in a w/w pairing.

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that’s why it’s one or the other

And something to do with how I’ve been unconcerned with execution throughout the days - I never had to do any of this. I never had to antagonize Zorvo continually throughout multiple days, I never had to bounce myself between suspecting so many townies, making enemies out of all of them, I never had to pass on using my ability despite knowing I was in the PoE. I’ve been deliberately provoking everything all game, provoking responses from people, even on levels that don’t particularly serve to reinforce me as appearing a townie.

Seeing as Neon was a wolf trying to tie Zorvo with May and then Silviu, it would mean that from above that May/Zorvo not w/w.
Silviu/Zorvo not w/w.

I just realised this has deja vu with Leafia last time



IMHO it implies at least one of them is a wolf though so that for a future flip of a wolf they could say they were alligned and vote both off


Except unlike last time you’re not targetting anyone you’re just vibing


Honestly the more I think about any of this the less sure I am it’s just not nice so I should just shut up