Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

I was presuming Cape would visit you if I wasn’t.

you wouldve mentioned it if it was important

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Yep, and having publicly announced my passion for it completely negates it as a strategy. I think that’s part of what I’ve been suffering from since Flicker - that game was the perfect confluence of enough experience on the actual forums to feel confident in my own reads and not enough experience for everyone to have learned every single one of my tricks. Like, I tried to pull the same ol’ “post a bad readlist, see who reacts and where, because they can only draw their attention to one slot at once” in this game, and literally only Magnus reacted to any specific people on it, and they went through it top to bottom. Same with the reverse pockets, same with everything. I need to be less loud about my strategies.

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Shorter form SDG’s are not even remotely comparable.

Here’s everyones favourite example:


There’s a few suspicious roles in that game. Inside Man, for example. Spearhpisher. These roles are UNTRUSTED because they are hard to confirm. They don’t have any mechanically confirmable abilities and thus are easy to fake-claim and eliminate.

The thing is I don’t like people who just go “oh you’re an INSIDE MAN?? DIE.” because that’s boring. When you rand those roles, do you really want to die just for your role alone? No. You don’t.

So I don’t play like that. But you are expected to play a bit differently as those roles. Another role, for example. OPERATION LEADER. Mechanically confirmed at the start of the game.

You push someone, and they claim inside man, give you their info, right? What happens. They die because they late-claimed.

You push someone and they claim OL? What happens. you demand they mech confirm themselves on the spot. and they do.

Not comparable, in the slightest, if you ask me.

Especially when a role like spearphisher comes in where it’s mech confirmable…sort’ve except mafia (agent) also have roles that mimic the abilities the spearphisher has so it’s still kinda sus? and then there’s conversion.

Just yeah.


Would I? During class?

I have. Every town game I play the same. Including the wolf game. People don’t get it yet.

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The point is those games play differently.

Hell. Even FM plays differently.

Are you really going to kill every vanilla town claim you see and leave any PR claims alive without question for claiming PR? Really?

Sorry for being too thorough.

I look for everything wolf indicate.

Allot is to due with thread presence and how they going about thread, wolf agenda and how they chose to say stuff about people, Partner Equity + more.

That’s how I found you!


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This happened in Love is War. w!Bean claimed roleblocker on v!Catbae on a night with no kills. Catbae was socially towny, but got exed nevertheless.

Part of why I started playing outside of my home server was this, actually - nobody ever took my reads at face value because I so loved to falsify them, so everything just… stopped working. It became impossible to interact with any game without people doing a thousand levels of tinfoil - “oh, May’s wallposting again, that just indicates she doesn’t believe what she’s saying, he shadowvotes his real reads”… which might be true, I often overcompensate for bad reads with long posts, but…

Eventually I’ll just have to use alts, but I like using my chosen name online too much for that. Maybe after enough years of having gone by the fun will’ve worn off and I can start using usernames again… but it’s been a while and it doesn’t seem to have let up.

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Oh I have a better example.


Everyone has a unique role but some are more important and useful than others.

A chef, a librarian, an investigator. One shot abilities, useless for the rest of the game. In theory you throw them out to die the moment you find them right because they could be the demon! They don’t have an ability!

Yeah except you don’t because you have better leads or they’re socially good or whatever.

On the same vein you have a role like The Monk. The Undertaker. Fortune teller.

Ongoing roles with ongoing use that as long as they live will benefit town in theory as long as they aren’t fake. People get executed as these roles over the prior roles anyway. Why? Because good claims don’t matter.

Hey everyone this guy named May2 is definitely a different person believe ALL his reads and take them at face value ok

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All great examples of why killing people for having shit claims on the surface with no other read on them is terrible and I will not accept it.

I bet town lost.

Evil Deanias plays that now or whatever his name was.
@Marluna @Jaiden
Remember him?

A lot of roles or scripts require the execution of a player, even a known good player, in order to gain info. Bad Moon Rising is a really good example of that, where you should execute daily to see if there’s a Zombuul, an Undertaker, yada yada.

It’s not always about hunting the Demon.


No it’s not. Sometimes it’s to gain information. Same here too you know.

I know it sucks for the town that ends up in the line of fire but if I personally can solve the game off of knowing one persons flip town or not then I will kill them

It was a close game, but Town won. w!CRichard was executed with two villagers alive.

Blood on the Clocktower is a game about me owning all of my friends with my epic Dreamer claim and absolutely nothing else sorry