Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

The problem is someone could look like a social deduction god but if they look like they’ve been alligned with wolves or something I’ll kill them to eliminate the paranoia

You must love the Cerenovus making you mad.

Anyway if you want to kill me I suggest doing it on D5 after I take my next shot and if there’s no double-kill then, then I’m confirmed evil.

With this in mind I bet evils won’t shoot again, so I’m banking on my shot landing true.


I was the Cerenovus. I got two straight days ended by madness before the GMs said “no more” and just stopped executing people for breaking madness.

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You have to be acutely aware also as a town killing role with extremely high potential to survive to N4 and shoot again I am scary for the wolves if they think I know who they are

and the PoE is quite small

They want me to die. Because if I don’t die then they either have to bluff this no-shot nonsense again to sell the world I’m the mafia or they confirm me by shooting someone.

And that someone would have to be me, which isn’t gonna work out with all the protectives around

The Flying Pumpkin That Shoots Laser Beams Out Of Its Ass - MafiaWiki I want this role

Damn you know what I could have claimed, I could have claimed town VIP that would have been funny

That’s not entirely true. We got the first execution because the Mutant claimed Mutant while under the influence of a Minstrel (we made them mad as a different Outsider to eliminate the possibility of getting around it sneakily). That was great play.

Then we, uh, used our ability on one of our buddies to go “wink wink nudge nudge here’s what you should fakeclaim and if it falls through you can just cite madness” and. They. Accidentally broke madness because I asked them a question in whispers and they answered it.

Despite being unintentional, their execution arguably won us the game, because it delayed the execution of the people we were hard framing and generally let us build our fake world better. There were many accidents that helped us lock down that game.

We also actually held our ability a night (not allowed by BotC rules but accidentally allowed via loophole [we just didn’t submit an action] by the GMs), which let us claim that the Cerenovus was already executed (something that also helped lock down the game, as that assumption let us completely “disprove” that we could be evil), and on the last day we used it on our dead buddy to have a “GMs let us win” Hail Mary. They didn’t let us use it.

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Of course, we could’ve just had our buddies claim what they were already claiming, or whatever, so that was still a misplay on town’s part, but it wasn’t like we were the more suspected party alive anyway. We started a big “confirmed town clubhouse” whisper halfway into the game it was so funny

I’ve thought about it and the best flip for me is Zorvo to be honest.

Not because I think Zorvo is a wolf. But because I want to know if they are or not

Bear with me here - If Zorvo is a town then from my POV the only way mafia didn’t get a kill is if they attacked Zorvo directly, or didn’t kill anyone. the latter is unlikely. The former proves magnus is a townie because of the protection.

If Zorvo is a mafia then Zorvo is the source of the no-kills for the day. Because Magnus jailkept the mafia killer.

In fact in any world I can come up with Magnus is the reason there’s no mafia kill the only way he’s not is if there was no-kill. I don’t feel like we’re in a no-kill world.

VOTE: Zorvo

You may even be right about May but I want this security in my mind that I know exactly what happened

God I make no sense.

I’m sorry.


Zorvo is a wolf and the no-kill is because he was jailed and was the factional assigned kill (Vindicates me, Proves magnus)

Zorvo is not a wolf and mafia attacked Zorvo (Jailkept by magnus & Protected, proves magnus)

With edge case worlds where mafia decided not to kill anyone for whatever reason. It made sense when I stepped away it still kinda makes sense to me

Now that you mention it. W!Magnus wouldn’t jail keep their buddy and a W!Zorvo flip would clear them as town.

Yes especially considering jailing your buddy makes no sense when it doesn’t save them from investigatives.

He jailed May N1 too so by that connection, Magnus/May cannot be alligned mafia speaking

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Now buddy I’m no wolf and I believe what you’re saying about Zorvo but I think that one’s a stretch


Jailkeeping roleblocks and protects someone, and Jaiden says he did it N1

what risk was there of any kind of vigilante shooting a wolf buddy N1 that any mafia would jail their teammate over deciding to jail a random townie and roleblocking them

Oh, I was going to say something about how they could’ve lied about jailing me, but I was watched by Jaiden. I’ve described myself on numerous occasions to be Time’s Most Likely to be Targeted with a Night Action, and that title is unrelenting.

You’re right I changed my mind I forgot Jaiden existed

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