Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Ok but why would I do that. Why would that be a smart move to make when it is incredibly obvious and the amount of protectives was just me and a slank doctor claim at the time

Is it incredibly obvious, when 90% of the town believes you?

Sorry for not counting you, Eliza… should’ve said 90% of the town that are blessed with a “vote” and “legs”.

What do you want me to say I’m not in the minds of everyone, I just know what I am and I’m telling everyone as much as I can

VOTE: Crichard
Their Poe is full of holes. (and if we follow that, mafia will probably will win.)

And I believe town jailkeeper more than a town slank doctor.

Jarek, what’s a funny bet to make myself do if your role is real? I had someone lose a bet in a mafia game to eat a sock, and that was great (though they never followed through), but I want to be original.

It is incredibly obvious in my opinion that the mysterious claim of cpr doctor that only just so happens to kill people when mafia don’t is obvious and if you think I’d go for that instead of… well literally anything else

just lol.

And if I was a mafia with an incredibly obvious ability why on god would I ever paint this target on my back and put myself in the spotlight like this

it :clap: Doesn’t :clap: make :clap: any :clap: sense :clap:

Something you’re willing to do.

Literally because you can make this argument. That’s what you’re thinking. Refuge in audacity. I’ve said it a hundred times. That, or you’re some kind of vengeful.

Not particularly helpful, given being willing to do it is already a given here.

But how do you explain the rolecop on their role unless they’re just a really bad mafia role for no reason

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CRichard’s role is proven by Italy. If you doubt CRichard’s role, you’re doubting Italy’s role by extension. In which case, that’s fine.

Italy is paired with them, probably.

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Yeah but the slot at the time had like L-1 on them and it’s just really really weird to see 2 mafia doing that and then voting yet another mafia instead of at the very least letting magnus die

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… What if this is a slip?

When I got my role, I assumed that all of the roles’ alignments were selected in advance, rather than randomized. I think the former is more common than the latter in most games (though correct me if I’m wrong). But if you rand a mafia odd-night slank doctor… the mental chances of the roles being completely random skyrockets, doesn’t it? Much to think about.

I don’t want to too deep into this, but I think Silviu wouldn’t accepted into the game, if this was the case. (since It’s their setup.)

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If Silviu has any knowledge of the roles at all, they shouldn’t be in the game. They’d know exactly who’s fakeclaiming and who’s not.

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The thread was just about to go stale. Good job, team. :popcorn:

The setup would’ve been altered since Silviu dropped it, I think. You’ll notice they didn’t call me out for fakeclaiming Semi-Priest, after all.


Ok this vote sucks.

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I’d like to hear Marlunas world

BTW if you really think I’m mafia. Neon tried to get a wagon on my slot started on D1.