Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

give me mercy
my laptop is charging
ill be able to be here around 3, 4 hours from now

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I will start real easy

Gorta has been playing Chrono Trigger. Cool, never played

beancat is just kinda there, odd pop in to talk to me I guess

Yeah okay cool, bye until tomorrow

VOTE: Cape90

Yeah okay cool, bye until tomorrow

On second thought I don’t think @I_Dislike_FM is Martin cause Discord Tag.

They might be:
Stealth Bomber
Or that Ele or whatever dude that Blinkskater chose as their faction in U-Pick. (Yeah the dude chose this guy as the faction), that person plays similar to Jaiden as well…

If it’s Zedus I’m voting him now.
He wouldn’t be as toxic to me but the dude legit throws games if it’s him.

Zorvo, I’m not sure how relevant this is right now.

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Leave Zedus alone whoever he is, this isn’t a person of egos

Sorry, this game ain’t a clash of egos

Hi it’s tomorrow

Italy - I don’t believe everything they are saying, especially their TMI reads on i_dislike_FM. Seem to have a narrow focus as of right now. But, they sure do come off as someone who believes their own reads so far so slight positive impression here.

Silviu - I don’t see as obvious town yet which kind of concerns me as I feel like he usually has this towny energy that I feel is a bit lacking, regarding individual posts, there isn’t much I can really point to I mean, they copied Italy’s format on I_Dislike_FM to create a more cohesive argument against the slot #892

I will keep updating this little by little

Bruh I barely look at Italy and you’re accusing me that I copied somebody

Like wow okay do you expect me to jump in the air with excitement to solve every detail or what

format (but i guess this doesnt mean much as you could trace all this back to Magnus this game and it isn’t unusual so idk why I pointed it out)

I also called it more cohesive because #672 feels a bit more convoluted in it’s messaging

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Okay good luck divulging state secrets in that one

Zorvo - Not a real clue except I like their earlier readslist as it was creative. I think their Neon talk is fine #470. I generally agree with what is said on Marluna in #756. I like the Jarek townread that Zorvo expresses, however, I disagree that voting them in early stage is like opportunistic (#762).

Neon - Something tells me Neon is town, it could have been just the fact that I have seen Neon struggle putting out real content on day 1 when I feel like they are providing it here. Examples = #423, #501, #532. I at least think it is mildly towny.

Marluna - Socially with this slot, I don’t really feel anything, nothing outwardly scummy though which I would perhaps expect with someone with a role claim like hers if she were to be wolf (this is but an assumption though).

Thought about piling in I_Dislike_FM here, but I think I will save the “star of the votes” or whatever for a separate post, and decide if FOL is doing it’s thing where it likes to lose to wolves and tunnel town

Bad. Die.

Jk ily

ily too, you turn my world u-

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Bad. No upside down joke.

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Mmm readlist?

Zorvo - just bizarre to me this game, honestly. He seemed fairly solvy early on and reacted properly to the votes Eliza and I placed, but he got rapidly distracted with whatever nonsense guessing game he’s currently playing with I_Dislike_FM. It feels like his analysis of the game since the early Jarek has been mostly nonexistent.

@Zorvo, what are your thoughts on FM’s slot outside of meta, and what do you think of the pushes on and reactions to his behavior? If you had to rank his voters from most to least suspicious, how would you?

Eliza - Her early behavior seemed townie enough to me, despite the vote I placed - I mostly voted her because nobody else had enough content to pivot onto, honestly. The way people largely ignored my early case on her honestly has me feeling good about her - wolves tend to take that sort of weak D1 case as good distancing material. Jarek was the only one who took the bait.

@ElizaThePsycho, do you still think Jarek is the most likely to be a wolf in the thread? If FM flips maf, who do you think his most likely teammate is, and if he flips town, who will you go after next?

Magnus - their positioning themself as a town leader is something I’m happy to go along with for now; Magnus is the type of slot you just have to accept for a while and re-evaluate once you’ve got more data. I’m happy with their contributions and I’m happy we’ve skipped RVS. Thanks, Magnus.

@Magnus, I don’t have many questions for you right now… uh, care to share anything further about your role?

Jarek - the defensiveness and early suspicion I’ve been seeing reminds me a lot of Flicker, but it remains to be seen how everyone treats this slot as the days go by, which will be the main thing informing my read on Jarek.

@Jarek, how do you feel about Eliza specifically in the context of your suspicion of FM? Do you think they’re aligned, unaligned, or is it too difficult to tell at this point? Do you think your read on FM is stronger than your read on Eliza, or are you more going with the former because it seems more likely a vote to go through?

Marlins - I have been banned from any kind of mech spec for a long time, and I should know better than to ignore that. My read on her hasn’t really developed beyond that, largely because she hasn’t really posted beyond that.

@Marluna, you mentioned that you’re okay with testing your ability if we don’t find a better vote. Do you think FM is a good vote, by this definition? Is there anyone else you’d rather have out today over testing your ability?

I’ve got to go now, but I’ll resume going down the player list once I’m back. Feel free to ask me any questions.