Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

I am now going to sleep

Right now

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Classic Jarek move

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VOTE: leafia

Why not

Honestly I think Brad’s immediate read on Luka is probably towny for him

VOTE: Luka

[quote=“May, post:743, topic:6749, full:true”]

I am voting you in accordance to the law of “powerwolfing because I do not get what you are trying to get at here” how do you plead?


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uh that quote broke

this quote broke :frowning:

I’d size 7 font that but I forgot how to do that here.

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Hewwo braddie waddie :blush:

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just for saying someone is town?

I don’t find any of the quotes Luka said there to be wolfy

hi i’m lurking but probably going to pass out soon


Luka (5): Bionic, IcetFeelsPain, Zugzwang, May, Jarek
Zugzwang (2): Stick, Arctic
benguinedparbecue (2): Clara, BradLand
otterpopd (1): Luka
IcetFeelsPain (1): Frostwolf103
tutuu (1): otterpopd
sleep (1): guavagudetama
Someone (1): Treasure
Cape90 (1): neil_the_eel
Leafia (1): Sadbi
May (1): Cape90

Not Voting (13): tutuu, Sneakyphoenix, RoseRedWitch, baker, Ash, Leafia, an_gorta_slanktai, Kiiruma, Someone, iamagummybear, Haze_with_a_Z, Apprentice, benguinedparbecue

Thats my plead hope you like it. Actual answer: Luka sounds like they’re paying way more attention to how he sounds than. Thinking. Like all his reads are phrased very confidently and convincingly in a way that feels like he’s specifically putting a ton of effort into sounding that way

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I’m struggling to actually. Express what I want to say I feel like that’s not explain it. Well that’s what you get :+1:

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May town
Otter town
Bionic town

Pls dont ask me to explaon


He goes into instant reads all the time he doesn’t go into massive thought processes or anything, especially early game.

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