Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

kinda a scummy thing to come in and immediately say

i will say one of the things i hate most in the world is unexplained naked votes. if you’re willing to vote someone you should be willing to explain why. so this vote pings me for more reasons than just that i’m the one being voted. if you scumread me put that out there! put your thoughts on the table! give us reasons!

did you think of this yourself or did you read it in wolf chat?

uh oh :flushed:

bold of you to think you can boss Clara around

-Mr Svarog

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the same thing with icet/Clara

Thought of it while reading up, why u ask?

VOTE: Benguinedparbecue

VOTE: Cape90

this hardly counts as a read


sorry about the Rand cape90

if your reasoning for this was to try to make me mad you failed. by replying to my post you have given a reason. you don’t like that post. fair enough. clara did not do so, and i’m still not sure why she voted me, and that pings me a little

yeah i also wish i was mafia

I got my bodyguards :3


@Luka im gonna try and im willing to give you a chance

is there a game we’ve played together in where you were town and you tried super hard to solve d1

Reading up on the real low posters first so I haven’t got to May

You got a read on May? Or is this some kind of funny thing I’m not in on?

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Just funny to bully her

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