Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)


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Oh well no I still want Killiza to die I just also think Clara is lying


/declare war on [Killiza] @GalacticCouncil


/declarewar on killiza @GalacticCouncil

I might just randomly pick a lowposter

if your vote is negative,., is there any reason for you to war at all

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there is to prove myself

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yeah that’s true i guess

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kinda sucks for me to not use my main ability

Then war me <3

sorry had a family thing pop up but I’m back now

I wanted someone who had revealed parts of their role itt so I’d know what I was getting and also modposting is hilarious. Your passive is pretty decent too even if u didn’t share that itt xD

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why in the cinnamon toast fuck are we declaring war on killiza

Ur dead


no you


Ooh fun role wanna share?

Is that a no? Everyone ignores me

can my shoot resolve please, I have to sleep

You can sleep before resolution