Stellaris: Apocalypse Mash - Day 4 (12/30)

Couldn’t sleep and if Arctic had been attacked, I would’ve died in his place,so he died some other way. Oh, who am I kidding? I just wanted to check this game to see if there was an event going on before I actually went to bed. I usually stay up until around 4-5 A.M. anyway.

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Now to really head off for the night. I love those events too. :sleepingleafeon:

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OH HI LEAFIA!!! Question what do you make of Zwang then? From your pov as a prot, either zug is the attacker there to you, or frost is lying and inciting tvt violence. Why are you not focusing on that?

Why tf did people try to kill the puppet?

Someone (the player) appears to have the same ability as myself. I will say this ability makes sense for a lost wolf to have, just as an aside.

i don’t know. stick i’m asking you again do you have a well established read on insom

oh what?

stick i hope ur a lost wolf here who got shot by the wolfteam B

also uhh capes done some solid work i think ; take a look over his recent posts on some ppl n lmk if you have any differing thoughts?

gods that last post is kind of obvtown for me wtf

I mean it’s just what I’ve already said :wowee: why do you keep asking though do you have information on him that you would like to share with the class? :curtain:

Also wait I forgor what was your event prize again

or hm, rather, it probably coalesces my town gameplay to a degree that is remarkable

do you :curtain: ?
and i’ve shared it- it’s what let me survive the 3 wolfy slots trying to get my ass killed

Yea I mean cuz it’s essentially just a 1shot cop check with a LOT of extra steps. Could make sense for a lost wolf. Someone seems to be playing without TMI which is why I’ve been townreading him but you know.

ohhhhhhh. ehhh i kinda think it might be a bit different. also i think a lost wolf would more likely have more than one shot

Wait didn’t you survive that bc you declared war with Tutuu?

I remember now tho the mod posts were from you

plus also we’ve not heard from someone about anything that has to do with phoenix alignment ig

tutuus passive made me survive because i killed otter

Phoenix was immune to wars so Someone’s ability has failed. They should be able to try again tomorrow

and yeah i mod posted like. “tutuu smells” and “if you shoot someone rn you’re outed mafia”